Home Limestone Rotary Kiln

Limestone Rotary Kiln

Limestone Rotary Kiln

Limestone Rotary Kiln

The limestone rotary kiln is acylindrical vessel, inclined slightly to the horizontal, which is rotatedslowly about its axis. The material to be processed is fed into the upper endof the cylinder. As the limestone rotary kiln rotates, the material graduallymoves down towards the lower end and may undergo a certain amount of stirringand mixing. Hot gases pass along the kiln, sometimes in the same direction asthe process material (co-current), but usually in the opposite direction(counter-current). The hot gases may be generated in an external furnace, ormay be generated by a flame inside the kiln. Such a flame is projected from aburner-pipe which acts like a large Bunsen burner. The fuel for this may begas, oil or pulverized coal.

Features of the Limestone Rotary Kiln
1. The limestone rotarykiln offers low pressure drop pre heaters.
2. It offers raw mill equipped with a high efficiency separator.
3. The limestone rotary kiln offers raw meal blending in CFC silo.
4. It has a pre-calciner suitable to work withalternative fuels.
5. The inlet and discharge is fitted with efficient seals.
6. The limestone rotary kiln features a benchmark cooler design.
7. It offers low fuel consumption.

Tlong is a professional limestone rotarykiln manufacturer and supplier based in China. We also offer rotary dryer,flotation machine, ball mill, magnetic separator, and much more.

Limestone Rotary Kiln

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