Home Computer Cable

Computer Cable

Computer Cable

Computer Cable

Sanewcable provide goodflexibility and superior shielding where noise rejection is critical,automaticsystem distributes data communications cables and computer cables for applicationssuch as Ethernet, voice and networking systems.  Sanew Cable computer cables come indifferent designs, including multi-conductor, multi-paired, and lowcapacitance. Foil shields or foil/braid shields are also used on our computercables to ensure great electrical performance. We can providetwisted pair network cabling, communications and public address systemwire, industrial equipment control wire, etc.

Common applications for computer cables include Ethernet, voice, andnetworking systems, as well as control circuits, computer interconnections,data transmissions, intercom systems, and industrial equipment controls.Because these cables are generally very flexible, they may be used in fixedinstallations, free moving applications, and wet or dry conditions.

Computer Cable

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