MATT Color Coated Steel Coil
The MATT color coated steel coil refers to color coated steel coil designedwith wrinkle finish, or called mesh . As shown inthe following pictures, our wrinkle finished color coated steel coil comes withmultilayered textured appearance. To suit customers’ varied demands, we canoffer color coated steel coil with different appearance and size of thewrinkle.
How to create wrinkle finish for color coated steelcoil?
While creating the wrinklefinish for our color coated steel coil, curing mechanism control and surfacetension control are both important.
Curing happens at different production steps and at temperature conditions. Specialadditives are needed to control the curing mechanism, so as to create wrinklefinishes. Meanwhile, other types of special additives are used to createdifferent surface tension, so as to create different types of wrinkle finishesfor our MATT color coated steel coil.
Special Attributes of the MATT ColorCoated Steel Coil
Due to the wrinklefinish, the MATT color coated steel coil surface comes with low gloss andexcellent metal marking resistance as well as superior anti-slip performance.In addition, the wrinkle finished color coated steel coil offers goodflexibility and hardness and is ideal for both indoor and outdoor uses.
As a specialized MATTcolor coated steel coil manufacturer and supplier in China,we also provide VCM steel sheet, PCM steel sheet, PET steel sheet, constructionPPGI steel sheet, and more.