Vacuum Forming CargoBox
The vacuumforming cargo box, also known as roof-box, is often installed on the roof of theautomobile, thus, enlarging available space in order to make room for moreself-driving equipment.
Our vacuum forming cargo box uses composite material of engineering plasticslike ABS/ASA, and ABS/PMMA. The modified composite material has advantages overglass reinforced plastic which has been abandoned in making cargo boxes and ABSmaterial, as it has higher strength and ageing resistance as well as bettertoughness, thus making it resistant to damp, low temperature and heat. Inaddition, it makes the products look more exquisite and fashionable. Thisensures the lightness, high strength and heat-resistance of the cargo box whichgenerally has high luster and leather-like appearance.
Vacuum forming cargo box is manufactured by our company in different sizes andbrands to cater different needs of our customers. The cargo boxes can be openedfrom the back side, the right side and both sides. Light and convenient toinstall, our cargo boxes can simply accommodate various equipment, whether asnowboard, a baby carriage or general luggage.