Home Robot Flame Bevel Cutting Machine

Robot Flame Bevel Cutting Machine

Robot Flame Bevel Cutting Machine 机器人火焰坡口切割

Robot Flame Bevel Cutting Machine

The robot flame bevel cutting machine, using 6-axisPanasonic Robot, is suited for cutting steel plates with length and width notmore than 1.8m. In case of the workpiecewith length or width exceeding 1.8m, the robot needs an extra set of actuatingshaft. The distance over which the robot moves can be extended to accommodatethe length needs of workpieces.With double-working-position mode, the robot improves the speed and output ofcutting.

Type of Robot: Japanese Panasonic TA1800
Control Power Supply: Japanese Panasonic
Flame Cutting Torch: American GENTEC

Robot Flame Bevel Cutting Machine



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