EngineeringWire Mesh Components
Knitted mesh has several properties that give it a unique ability to absorbenergy. The result is the material ideal for use in engineering wire mesh components,able to reduce vibration, attenuate sound and dissipate heat.
In the knitting process, wire loops are created that act like tiny springs. Itis these springs that return to their original shape after being subjected tocompression. The loops are also free to move in several directions, allowingthe knitted material to have natural resilience and to vibrate when soundenergy hits the knitted wires. When vibrating, the wires convert sound energyinto thermal energy and, in doing so, create a sound-dampening effect.
Compressing the knitted wire mesh in a die creates an element that has atortuous air path with intricate passages that also attenuate sound byabsorption.
The above features enable the knitted wiremesh, in a variety of forms, to reduce vibration, attenuate sound or dissipateheat. In some cases, all of these functions can be achieved in the sameapplication. Commonly, the engineering wire mesh components such as the knittedwire mesh heat shield, muffler, anti-vibration componentshave applications in aerospace, marine and air tool industries.
As a professional engineering knitted wire mesh manufacturer and supplier in China, we offerengineering wire mesh components, filtration wire mesh, TIG welding wire,electrode core welding wire, and much more.