Home Bongo Drum

Bongo Drum

Bongo Drum


Bongo drum is a percussion instrument consisting of a pairof single-headed, open-ended drums attached to each other. The drums are ofdifferent size: the larger drum is called in Spanish the hembra (female) and thesmaller, male.It is most often played by hand and is especially associated inCuban music with a steady pattern or ostinato of eighth-notes known as the martillo or"hammer". They are membranophones, orinstruments that create sound by a vibration against a stretched membrane. We can supply various sizes and styles of Bongo drum.

Chuntan is a professional Bongo drum manufacturer andsupplier in China.We provide a wide range of products, including high grade drum set, 16 open hole flute, alto saxophone, 17 keyclarinet, violin and trumpet.

Bongo Drum

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