Home Belt Conveyor

Belt Conveyor

Belt Conveyor


A belt conveyor is one of the frequently used conveyingmechanisms. It is designed to achieve the continuity and automation ofproduction processes, and thereby improve productivity and reduce laborintensity. Generally, belt conveyors are used in general material handling andbulk material handling. As a result of their high capacity, smoothtransportation, low noise, simple structure, and convenient maintenance, beltconveyors are increasingly used in the mining, metallurgy, chemical, casting,building material, construction, as well as many other sections.

Belt Conveyor

We are a Chinese belt conveyor manufacturer. To meet therequirement of the users, we can supply inclined conveyor feeding system, whichconsists of 650 or 800 parallel conveyor feeding system.

Besides belt conveyors, we also produce a wide range ofconcrete plants, gantry cranes, launching gantries and container cranes. Thanksto our continued efforts over the past years, we have received the ISO9001certificate, and can offer reliable and affordable mobile mixers, portalcranes, and shipyard gantry cranes to customers all over the globe.

Please feel secure in contacting us if you have a need for any of ourproducts. 

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