New Crazy Bullfighting Machine
Crazy Bullfighting Machine is a life-sizemachine bull controlled by the computer. It can simulate a real bull to move upand down, fast and slowly, dump and hit while roaring, which is full of savageand thrill. One has to use his wit’s end to conquer it. This new CrazyBullfighting Machine greatly meets the strong desire of modern citizens toconquer and seek thrill. This machine has so many advantages such as: noveltyand thrill, low costs, small investment, wide application range and highparticipation, etc. It can be easily managed by two staff in a8-10mm room.
Indoor venues such as: bars, shopping malls and outdoor places like parks,squares, pedestrian streets, etc, are all suitable places. Although thebullfight scenes in television are thrilling and deeply loved by everyone, therisks of which threaten many participants. The advent of this machine enablesmore people to have the chance to experiencebullfights, which has been responded by many people. In a popular operationvenue, where the braves want to flourish their courage under the eyes of thecrowds, they jump on the mad bull and put forth full strength to fight againstthe mad bull. Losers fall down in the scream of onlookers, while the winnerputs on a cowboy hat, which is the symbol of victory, in the cheers of thecrowds. But this is not over. Losers are not content to be outdone and winnersare longing for another victory fruit, while onlookers are itching for a fightand the operators are gaining endless wealth.