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Mezzanine & Garret

Mezzanine & Garret

BriefDescription of Mezzanine & Garret
Mezzanine & Garret is a raised storage equipment.Mezzanine & Garret may consist of one or multiple stories (2 or 3).Mezzanine & Garret is usually accompanied by stairway.
The goods can be transported by conveyors or forklifts to Mezzanine &Garret. Mezzanines are generally described as structural pallet Racking or shelving supporting. We can also provide you withmany kinds of raised storage floors such as flat, steel flat, wooden board andso on. If you have some height to spare, maybe you can use it by building yourown tiered shelving or platform deck equipment. Mezzanine & Garret has awide range of flooring materials.

Application ofMezzanine & Garret
Mezzanine & Garret are seen everywhere in supermarket, food industry,automotive manufacturing, 4s car store, libraries, warehouse, etc.

InstallationInstructions of Mezzanine & Garret
We will send you more details about InstallationInstructions of Mezzanine & Garret, when your requirements arrived

Mezzanine & Garret

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