Home Sit On Electric Stacker RSS1555, RS1650

Sit On Electric Stacker RSS1555, RS1650

Sit On Electric Stacker RSS1555, RS1650

Detailed Information about Sit On Electric Stacker RSS1555

Sit On Electric Stacker RSS1555, RS1650

Load curve table
Load center distance (C)≤600(mm)≤700(mm)
Lifting height (mm)Actual carrying capacity (Q) kg

Mast configuration table
ItemClosed mast heightFree lifting heightLift heightExtended mast height
h1 mmh2 mmh3 mmh4 mm
Two stage mast214718532003720
Two stage mast2147164032003720
(full free lifting)
Three stage mast2240170550005550

Technical Parameters

Characteristics1.2Model RSS1555RS1650
1.3Motive power (electric drive, diesel fuel, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, electrical drive) electric driveelectric drive
1.4Operation mode: manual, walkie, stand-on type, sit-on type, picking Sit on typeSit on type
1.5Rated carrying capacityQ Kg15001600
1.6Load center distanceC mm600600
1.8Front overhangX mm765765
1.9Wheel basey mm18121712
Weight2.1Weight (including accumulator)Kg20451806
2.2Load per axle when full load, driving end/ load bearing endKg  
2.3Load per axle when no load, driving end/ load bearing endKg  
Wheel3.1Tyre(rubber tyre, high performance elastic tyre, pneumatic tyre, PU tyre) PU tyrePU tyre
3.2Wheel size, driving endmmΦ254x82Φ254x82
3.3Wheel size, load bearing endmmΦ85x70Φ85x70
3.4Steering wheel size Φ150x60Φ150x60
3.5Wheel quantity (x=driving wheel), driving end/ load bearing end 1x -1/ 41x -1/ 4
3.6Wheel span (front), driving endb10 mm712635
3.7Wheel span (rear), load bearing endb11 mm395395
Size4.2Closed mast heighth1 mm25002240
4.3Free lifting heighth2 mm19601705
4.4Lift heighth3 mm55505000
4.5Mast maximum height during operationh4 mm60405550
4.7Overhead guard heighth6 mm21502245
4.8Seat heighth7 mm960225
4.9Height of steering wheelh14 mm11801255
4.15Fork minimum heighth13 mm8585
4.19Stacker body length l1 mm22002200
4.2Length between stacker body and the vertical surface of forksl2 mm11501150
4.21Stacker body widthb1 mm10501050
4.22Fork sizes/e/l mm60/80/115060/180/1150
4.24Fork carrier widthb3 mm644644
4.25External width of forksb5 mm575575
4.31Mast bottom ground clearancem1 mm2525
4.34Right angle stacking aisle width, pallet 800X1200 (1200 side placed along forks)Ast mm24602367
4.35Outer turning radiusWa mm19821882
Performance5.1Driving speed, full load/ no load km/h7.9/8.58/8.8
5.2Lifting speed, full load/ no loadmm/s145/198145/198
5.3Descending speed, full load/ no loadmm/s267.5/192267.5/192
5.8Gradeability, full load/ no load%66
5.1Service braking AccumulatorAccumulator
Motor6.1Drive motor powerkw3.33.3
6.2Lifting motor powerkw33
6.3Accumulator, conforms to DIN 43531/35/36 A, B, C, no 1) 43531 B43531 B
6.4Accumulator voltage, capacity (discharge capacity within 5 hours) 1)V/Ah24/48024/360
6.5Accumulator weightKg310350
 Accumulator size, Length/ Width/ Height 1)mm1010/210/9751010/210/975
Others8.1Drive control mode MOSFET control, AC MOSFET control, AC
8.4The highest noise level in operator's eardB(A)<70<70

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