Home Electric Stacker CL1529I, 1534I(FFL)

Electric Stacker CL1529I, 1534I(FFL)

Electric Stacker CL1529I, 1534I(FFL)

1. This electric stacker uses Italian Hydrappp pump station to ensure the stable lifting of goods. This pump station is mainly made up of continuous current dynamo, gear pump, valve plate and pipeline elements. It is energy saving, environmentally friendly, small in size, and can work reliably and stably.
2. Its Italian Metalrota driving wheel is fitted with reliable disk brake system and is stable in performance.
3. The American Curtis electric control system is characterized by good responsiveness and reliable performance. It is provided with regenerative braking, reverse braking and stepless speed regulating functions.
4. This electric stacker is fitted with anti-explosion valve which can prevent goods from falling off quickly when hydraulic hose fails to work, thus ensuring the safety of operator.
5. It is convenient to charge the large capacity traction battery.
6. The mast channel steel is imported from Germany, ensuring the firmness of mast.
7. This electric stacker is manufactured in conformity with EN1757-1:2001 and EN1727 standards.

Electric Stacker CL1529I, 1534I(FFL)

Detailed Information about Electric Stacker CL1529I, 1534I(FFL)

Load curve table
Load center distance (C)≤600(mm)≤700(mm)
Lifting height (mm)Actual carrying capacity (Q) kg

Technical Parameters

Characteristics1.2Model CL1529ICL1529IFFLCL1534ICL1534IFFL
1.3Drive mode: electric drive (accumulator), diesel fuel, gasoline, fuel gas, manual drive Accumulator
1.4Operation mode: manual, walkie, stand-on type, sit-on type, picking Walkie
1.5Rated carrying capacityQ (t)1.5
1.6Load center distanceC mm600
1.8Front overhangX mm677
1.9Wheel spany mm11831168
Weight2.1Dead weightKg1020104011201140
2.2Load per axle when full load, front/ rearKg1195/13251205/13351245/13751225/1385
2.3Load per axle when no load, front/ rearKg755/265770/270826/295840/300
Wheels, stacker body3.1tyre (rubber tyre, high elastic tyre, pneumatic tyre, PU tyre) PU wheel
3.2Front wheel size 250x78
3.3Rear wheel size 80x701
3.4Additional wheels, (size) 150x54
3.5Wheel quantity (front /rear) (x=driving wheel) 1x 2/4
3.6Wheel span, front wheelb10(mm)685
3.7Wheel span, rear wheelb11(mm)390/515
Size4.2Retracted mast heighth1(mm)1950195016951695
4.3Free lifting heighth2(mm)1441482-1104
4.4Lift heighth3(mm)2814281433143314
4.5Mast maximum height during operationh4(mm)3280328039043904
4.9Height when operating grip is at driving position minimum/ maximumh14(mm)985/1365
4.15Lowered heighth13(mm)86
4.19Total lengthl1(mm)19401925
4.2Distance from fork surface to front endl2(mm)790775
4.21Stacker body widthb1(mm)805
4.22Fork sizes/e/l(mm)60/180/1150
4.25External width of forksb5(mm)570/695
4.32Wheel base center ground clearancem2(mm)50
4.33Right angle stacking aisle width, pallet 1000×1200 (1200 side placed across forks)Ast(mm)21622147
4.34Right angle stacking aisle width, pallet 800×1200 (1200 side placed along forks)Ast(mm)21362123
4.35Turning radiusWa(mm)14801465
Performance5.1Driving speed, full load/ no loadkm/h5.1/5.4
5.2Lifting speed, full load/ no loadmm/s105/170
5.3Descending speed, full load/ no loadmm/s100/95
5.8Maximum gradeability, full load/ no load%6/12
5.1Service braking Electromagnetic brake
Motor6.1Drive motor powerkw1.2
6.2Lifting motor powerkw3
6.3Accumulator, DIN standard, no 3PZS
6.4Accumulator voltage/ rated capacityV/Ah24/210
Others8.1Drive control mode Field-effect tube control
8.4Noise level in operator's ear, according to EN12053dB(A)67
1) single wheel Φ80x93

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