100ml-200ml Perfume Bottle
Women always love wearing perfume, which becomes a part of their identity andimbues a sense that they can attain whatever they want. The bottle that housesthe perfume is symbolic of the luxury and can reflect buyer’s personal taste.As a perfume bottle maker in China, we can offer a wide range of beautiful andprecious glass bottles which women will want to keep forever. The products shown here are ourperfume bottles with capacities of 100ml, 125ml, 130ml, 75ml, etc. They come inmultiple colors and shapes for clients to choose from. Matched plastic caps andsprayers are available to complement your purchase.
1. 100ml Perfume Bottle
Material: Super glass or normal glass
Capacity: 100ml
Optional parts: plastic cap sprayer
2. 125ml Perfume Bottle
Material: Super glass or normal glass
Capacity: 125ml
Optional parts: plastic cap sprayer
3. 130ml Perfume Bottle
Material: Super glass or normal glass
Capacity: 130ml
Optional parts: plastic cap sprayer
4. 50/100ml Perfume Bottle
Material: Super glass or normal glass
Capacity: 50/100ml
Optional parts: plastic cap sprayer
5. 70/100ml Perfume Bottle
Material: Super glass or normal glass
Capacity: 70/100ml
Optional parts: plastic cap sprayer
Olila is a professional 100ml-200ml perfumebottle manufacturer in China. Apart from perfume bottle, our company alsoprovides perfume bottle cap, lotion pump, aluminium aerosol can, cream jar,plastic tube, and a variety of aerosol valves.