Potato Flour
By mixing potato flour with water, we will be able to obtain mashed potatoes.
Potato flour provides good solutions for producing various kinds of Frenchfries, potato salad, potato cakes and so on.
Potato flour or potato powder is commonly used to produce compound potato chipsby food manufacturers.
Potato flour is a good food material for thickening and filling. And itfeatures good water and oil-holding capability and can be made into differentshapes. As a result of these advantages, potato powder is widely used inproduction of convenience food, frozen food and so on.
Our company is a potato flour supplier and producer in China. Sinceour foundation in 1985, we have been committed to provide high quality productsto both national and international customers. Our primary food processingequipment include food production lines, tea bag packaging machines, cardproduction equipment and card packaging lines, and more. Our food materialsinclude potato flour, food additives, and desiccant, and more. All of them areCCC, ISO and CE certified.
Our reliable quality and competitive price enable us to enter into broaderinternational markets. Currently, you can find our products in Vietnam, Philippines,Indonesia, Malaysia, Algeria,Denmark, Kazakhstan, andmore.
If you have any food machinery requirement, please feelfree to contact us.