Planetary Mixer
This planetary mixer equipment is high-efficiency combining reaction withmixing. With vessel with double frame mixing paddle or mixing paddle withmulti-blades, it can rotate when its revolution to make the materials moves up anddown and in all directions so that the materials can be mixed adequately in ashort period.
It is suitable for mixing, reaction and dissolving from liquid to liquid orsolid to liquid, in adhesive, synthetic resin rubber, silicone sealant,polyurethane sealant, ointment for electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical,construction and agricultural industries.
The double planetary mixer is suitable for products with high viscosity of10,000 - 1500,000cp, from simple mixing to complexreaction. It is used in various kinds of adhesives, organ silicon gel; solderpaste of chemical, electronic and food industries.
1. Mechanical seal and peculiar soft seal between the vessels enable thematerial is operated under vacuum condition.
2. The vessel can be heated up by electric, steam, oil circulation or watercirculation. The peculiar temperature sensor on the vessel ensures notemperature difference, and the coil inside the jacket can cool the vessel.
3. The inner wall of the vessel is accurately machined by big-size standingmachine tool and then polished by big-size automatic polishing machine, whichensures that when the movable scrapper on the planetary support rotates, allthe materials stuck to the inner wall of the vessel can be cleaned.
4.The revolution speed and rotation speed of themixing paddle inside the vessel can be adjusted by inverters according todifferent processing and viscosity