Panel Meter
A panel meter is an instrumentthat displays an input signal in either a digital or analog form. For manypanel meters, an alarm function is optional. Additionally, they can beconnected with a computer and the data can be transferred to the computer.
HUABANG offers a wide range of panel meters from very basicindicators with no outputs to more complex types with more than one input andoutput or alarm function. Some meters can switch from one channel to the nextby pressing a button on the front of the meter while others will automaticallyscan through a series of channels.
HUABANG is a panel meter manufacturer in China. We offer panel meter, DIN-rail energy meter, electronicenergy meter, mechanical energy meter and socket energy meter, etc. We supplyhigh quality energy meter with competitive price. Our company is based in China wherethere is full chain for manufacturing energy meter even in one city. Lowmanufacturing cost saves your purchasing cost. More details of each product areshown in specific product page.