Home Impregnated Diamond Core Drill Bit

Impregnated Diamond Core Drill Bit

ImpregnatedDiamond Core Drill Bit

a) The impregnated diamond coredrill bit significantly outperforms the successful series range inboth drilling speed and bit life;

b) Protects the diamond from oxidation and surface degradation duringmanufacturing;

c)  Inhibits the premature “pull- out” of the diamond;

d)  Increases the number of cutting edges exposedto the rock;

e)  Our impregnated diamond core drill bit isavailable in multiple standard configurations and selected on the basis ofrelative rock hardness and ground condition;

f)  Triple-tube bits are used with Boart Longyeartriple-tube core barrels.  The design ofthe face discharge waterways and core lifter case forces the drilling fluid tothe bit face.  The core can be recoveredand inspected in a virtually undisturbed condition;

CHINA DRILLING offers the most acceptable range ofimpregnated bit matrices.  Long respectedas the industry standard, our series matrix range provides an easy to selectand dependable foundation for your drilling needs.

When available, China Drillingimpregnated diamond core drill bit can be ordered in abrasive, standard andcompetent formulations.

Abrasive drill bits are forbroken, abrasive drilling conditions or for harder rock with broken, abrasivecondition.

Competent bits are free-cuttingfor fast penetration in very hard, competent rock or for use on lower-poweredrigs and in geo-technical applications.


They include:  crown type, round type, steps type, flattype, discharged type, and gear type. The standards include the Q series standard, DCDMA standard, and SwedenStandard.


Impregnated diamond core bit
Wireline diamond core bits used to drill all typesand grades of formation stones.  Thespecifications are AQ, BQ, BQ3, NQ, NQ3, NQTT, HQ, HQ3, HQTT, PQ, PQ3, PQTT,NWF, HWF, PWF, SWF, 412, NWD4, AWT, BWT, NWT, HWT, NTW, BTW, BWG, NWG, HWG,NMLC, and HMLC. Samples are available.


Gear type impregnatedcore bits are used to drill very hard formation stones.  The specifications are AQ, BQ, BQ3, NQ, NQ3,NQTT, HQ, HQ3, HQTT, PQ, PQ3, PQTT, NWF, HWF, PWF, SWF, 412, NWD4, AWT, BWT,NWT, HWT, NTW, BTW, BWG, NWG, HWG, NMLC and HMLC.  Samples are available.


Double tube and single tube impregnated diamond core drillbits
The specifications are T2 56, T2 66, T2 76, T2 86, T2 101, TB 56, B66, B76,B86, B101, B116, T6 76, T6 86, T6 101, T6 116, T6 131, T6 146, TNW, T6H, LTK48,and LTK60.  Samples are available.


Impregnated diamond face discharged core bits

Impregnated diamondface discharged core bits are used to drill broken formation stones.  The specifications are BQ3, NQ3, NQTT, HQ3,HQTT, PQ3, PQTT, HWF, PWF, SWF, 412, T6S 101, NMLC, and HMLC.  Samples are available.


Impregnated stepscore bits keep a straight hole when drilling. The specifications are AQ, BQ, NQ, HQ, PQ, T6 86, T6 101, T6 116, T6131, T6 and 146.  Samples are available.


Impregnated turbotype wireline core bits maintain normal drilling for very hard formationstones.  The specifications are AQ, BQ,BQ3, NQ, NQ3, NQTT, HQ, HQ3, HQTT, PQ, PQ3, and PQTT. Samples areavailable.

As a China-based impregnated diamond core drill bit manufacturer,we produce diamond reaming shells, diamond core drill bits, casing shoes, etc.to suit your various needs.  We canmanufacture diamond drilling tools according to our customers' specificrequirements.  Due to the superiorquality and reliability of our products they are in increasing demand in Canada, the USA,New Zealand, Chile, Mexico, among others.

Impregnated Diamond Core Drill Bit

If you have a need for one of our products, please contact us atyour earliest convenience via any of the methods listed on our website.  We look forward to working with you.

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