Wanli Stone Group is headquartered in Xiamen, Fujian and is mainly engaged in mine exploitation. In April 2016, Wanli Stone Group planned to purchase a batch of stone cutting equipment for the needs of business expansion.
1. Before investigation
Wanli Stone Group was informed of the performance of the infrared stone cutting bridge saw produced by our company when investigating options for stone cutting machines. Then, a group was sent to our company, including the regional president, the general manager, the head of the technology department, the head of the purchasing department, the head of the production department, and the related production workers.
2. During investigation
Our customer visited our factory and our suppliers. They thought that our working environment was clean and our products had a good appearance and satisfactory quality.
3. After investigation
Wanli Stone Group found our company to have a normative working procedure, strict operation, and satisfactory manufacturing process. After checking the precision of the finished stone, and satisfying their requirements, we finally signed the contract.
The cutting machines provided great performance and were praised by all workers after being put into use. Wanli Stone Group signed new contracts with us two months later and seven months after. Since then, they have bought many different types of machines from us.