Home RV Series Worm Gear Speed Reducer Outline Dimension

RV Series Worm Gear Speed Reducer Outline Dimension

The following is the outline dimensional figure and table of the RV series electric motor and speed reducer.

RV Series Worm Gear Speed Reducer Outline Dimension
NMRV 025 Outline dimension figure

Outline dimension table 1
NMRV A B C Cl D(H8) E(h8) F G H H1 I L1 M N O
030 80 97 54 44 14 55 32 56 65 29 55 63 40 57 30
040 100 121.5 70 60 18(19) 60 43 71 75 36.5 70 78 50 71.5 40
050 120 144 80 70 25(24) 70 49 85 85 43.5 80 92 60 84 50
063 144 174 100 85 25(28) 80 67 103 95 53 95 112 72 102 63
075 172 205 120 90 28(35) 95 72 112 115 57 112.5 120 86 119 75
090 206 238 140 100 35(38) 110 74 130 130 67 129.5 140 103 135 90
110 255 295 170 115 42 130 - 144 165 74 160 155 127.5 167.5 110
130 293 335 200 120 45 180 - 155 215 81 179 170 146.5 187.5 130
150 340 400 240 145 50 180 - 185 215 96 210 200 170 230 150
Outline dimension table 2
NMRV P Q R S T V PE b t α Kg
030 75 44 6.5 21 5.5 27 M6x11(n=4) 5 16.3 1.2
040 87 55 6.5 26 6.5 35 M6x8(n=4) 6 20.8(21.8) 45° 2.3
050 100 64 8.5 30 7 40 M8x10(n=4) 8 28.3(27.3) 45° 3.8
063 110 80 8.5 36 8 50 M8x14(n = 8) 8 28.3(31.3) 45° 6.2
075 140 93 11 40 10 60 M8x14(n = 8) 8(10) 31.3(38.3) 45° 9
090 160 102 13 45 11 70 M10x18(n = 8) 10 38.3(41.3) 45° 13
110 200 125 14 50 14 85 M10x18(n = 8) 12 45.3 45° 42.5
130 250 140 16 60 15 100 M12x21(n = 8) 14 48.8 45° 59
150 250 180 18 72.5 18 120 M12x21(n = 8) 14 53.8 45° 87
NRV Outline dimension figure
Outline dimension table 1
NRV A B C C1 D(H8) D1G6) E(h8) F G H H1 J K L1 M N O
030 80 97 54 44 14 9 55 32 56 65 29 51 20 63 40 57 30
040 100 121.5 70 60 18(19) 11 60 43 71 75 36.5 60 23 78 50 71.5 40
050 120 144 80 70 25(24) 14 70 49 85 85 43.5 74 30 92 60 84 50
063 144 174 100 85 25(28) 19 80 67 103 95 53 90 40 112 72 102 63
075 172 205 120 90 28(35) 24 95 72 112 115 57 105 50 120 86 119 75
090 206 238 140 100 35(38) 24 110 74 130 130 67 125 50 140 103 135 90
110 255 295 170 115 42 28 130 - 144 165 74 142 60 155 127.5 167.5 110
130 293 335 200 120 45 30 180 - 155 215 81 162 80 170 146.5 187.5 130
150 340 400 240 145 50 35 180 - 185 215 96 195 80 200 170 230 150
Outline dimension table 2
NRV P Q R S T V PE b b1 t t1 m α Kg
030 75 44 6.5 21 5.5 27 M6x11(n=4) 5 3 16.3 10.2 1.2
040 87 55 6.5 26 6.5 35 M6x8(n=4) 6 4 20.8(21.8) 12.5 45° 2.3
050 100 64 8.5 30 7 40 M8x10(n=4) 8 5 28.3(27.3) 16.0 M6 45° 3.8
063 110 80 8.5 36 8 50 M8x14(n = 8) 8 6 28.3(31.3) 21.5 M6 45° 6.2
075 140 93 11 40 10 60 M8x14(n=8) 8(10) 8 31.3(38.3) 27.0 M8 45° 9
090 160 102 13 45 11 70 M10x18(n = 8) 10 8 38.3(41.3) 27.0 M8 45° 13
110 200 125 14 50 14 85 M10x18(n = 8) 12 8 45.3 31.0 M10 45° 42.5
130 250 140 16 60 15 100 M12x21(n = 8) 14 8 48.8 33.0 M10 45° 59
150 250 180 18 72.5 18 120 M12x21(n = 8) 14 10 53.8 38 M12 45° 87
DRV Outline dimension figure
Outline dimension table 1
DRV A A1 B C C1 D(H8) D1(i6) E(h8) F G H H1 H2 I J K |L L1 M M1
025/030 80 70 97 54 44 14 55 32 56 65 29 22.5 45 100 63 40 35
025/040 100 70 121.5 70 60 18(19) 60 43 71 75 36.5 22.5 45 115 78 50 35
030/040 100 80 121.5 70 60 18(19) 9 60 43 71 75 36.5 29 55 51 20 120 78 50 40
030/050 120 80 144 80 70 25(24) 9 70 49 85 85 43.5 29 55 51 20 130 92 60 40
030/063 144 80 174 100 85 25(28) 9 80 67 103 95 53 29 55 51 20 145 112 72 40
040/075 172 100 205 120 90 28(35) 11 95 72 112 115 57 36.5 70 60 23 165 120 86 50
040/090 206 100 238 140 100 35(38) 11 110 74 130 130 67 36.5 70 60 23 182 140 103 50
050/110 255 120 295 170 115 42 14 130 144 165 74 43.5 80 74 30 225 155 127.5 60
063/130 293 144 335 200 120 45 19 180 155 215 81 53 95 90 40 245 170 146.5 72
063/150 340 144 400 240 145 50 19 180 185 215 96 53 95 90 40 275 200 170 72
Outline dimension table 2
DRV N N1 O O1 P Q R S T V PE α b b1 t t1 m Kg
025/030 57 48 30 25 75 44 6.5 21 5.5 27 M6x10(n=4) 5 16.3 32.5
025/040 71.5 48 40 25 87 55 6.5 26 6.5 35 M6x10(n=4) 45° 6 20.8(21.8) 43
030/040 71.5 57 40 30 87 55 6.5 26 6.5 35 M6x10(n=4) 45° 6(6) 3 20.8(21.8) 10.2 43
030/050 84 57 50 30 100 64 8.5 30 7 40 M8x10(n=4) 45° 8(8) 3 28.3(27.3) 10.2 53.5
030/063 102 57 63 30 110 80 8.5 36 8 50 M8x14(n=8) 45。 8(8) 3 28.3(31.3) 10.2 53.5
040/075 119 71.5 75 40 140 93 11 40 10 60 M8x14(n=8) 45° 8(10) 4 31.3(38.3) 12.5 63.5
040/090 135 71.5 90 40 160 102 13 45 11 70 M10x18(n=8) 45° 10 4 38.3(41.3) 12.5 84.5
050/110 167.5 84 110 50 200 125 14 50 14 85 M10x18(n=8) 45° 12 5 45.3 16 84.5
063/130 187.5 102 130 63 250 140 16 60 15 100 M12x21(n=8) 45° 14 6 48.8 21.5 M6 85
063/150 230 102 150 63 250 180 18 72.5 18 120 M12x21(n = 8) 45° 14 6 53.8 21.5 M6 87

Note: the weight of electric motor is not included in the weight (kg).

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