Home Curved Jaw Coupling, Zero-backlash Jaw Coupling

Curved Jaw Coupling, Zero-backlash Jaw Coupling

The curved jaw couplings consist of three parts: the two metal hubs and a polyurethane elastomer. The metal hubs feature jaw type construction, and the elastomer insert looks like a spider. These three parts are then pressed together and used for a rotational power transmission. The polyurethane elastomer is designed to transmit the torque, absorb the vibration, and accommodate misalignment in order to protect the other parts against damage.

Curved Jaw Coupling, Zero-backlash Jaw Coupling

The jaw couplings can accommodate high misalignment and transmit high torque. This makes curved jaw couplings ideal for use in CNC equipment.

Rated Torque: 1.1-610N.m
Set screw type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 1.1-610N.m
Clamp type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 7.4-610 N.m
Clamping ring type
Body: Aluminum alloy
Hub: Steel Rated Torque: 1.1-430 N.m
Set screw type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 1.1-430 N.m
Clamp type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 32-430 N.m
Set screw type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 32-430 N.m
Clamp type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 2.3-75 N.m
Keyway type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 2.8-430 N.m
Set screw type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 2.8-430 N.m
Clamp type
Aluminum alloy Rated Torque: 12-890 N.m
Keyway type

The jaw couplings are applied in machine tool, monitor retractor, vacuum pump, lifting jack, entrance/exit gate, textile machinery, pump, hydraulic equipment, XY stage, transport device, index table, injection molding machine, tube production machine, test stand

Coupling components:
Metal hub: normally use the aluminum alloy that has been anodized, and stainless steel type can be available according to our customer’s requirement.
Elastomer: we use polyurethane, and according to the usage condition, we provide the following hardness to choose: 98 Shore A (Red), 92 Shore A (Yellow), 80 Shore A (Blue), 64 Shore D (Green).

Features: The middle of the curved jaw couplings use the polyurethane elastomer to interconnect the metal hubs, thus it can absorb vibration, and compensates for angular and parallel misalignment and shaft endplay. The polyurethane elastomer has perfect oil resistance and electrical insulation. Identical clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. The common shaft fastening metahods are set screw type, clamp type, clamping ring type, and keyway type can be customized upon request.

Custom Design

According to customer's requirement, all the flexible and rigid couplings can be custom machined involving material choices, torque range, size, and flexible configurations, etc.We offer all kinds of servo motor coupling types in rigid, beam, bellows, curved jaw, disc, and oldham types allowing our customers to select the best coupling. In addition to the jaw couplings, we also can provide you the precision couplings like disc couplings, beam couplings, oldham couplings, rigid shaft couplings. There are thousands of coupling types availabe in LINK. If you do not find the couplings you need, please contact us and we will customize couplings according to your requirements.

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