Water immersion retort adopts hot water that is preheated to the desired temperature in the top storage vessel before entering the retort chamber, thus resulting in an improved heating efficiency which translates to the faster sterilization process. When the sterilization is completed, the hot water used for sterilizing will be recycled back into hot water tank for the purpose of energy saving.
The sterilization process is automatically performed following the recipe set in the micro processing controller PLC. The uniformity of temperature and pressure distribution inside the retort is within ±0.5℃ and ± 0.05bar, respectively. The buoyancy of water at high temperatures helps to protect product, even under high rotational speeds. The water immersion retort is ideally suitable to process flexible containers and high viscosity large-volume packaged products, enabling the products to be evenly heated.
(the above sizes can support 2 to 5 baskets)
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