Home CO2 Laser Cutting Machines

CO2 Laser Cutting Machines

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The laser beam used by the CO2 laser cutting machine is generated using CO2 gas and sent to the cutting head through a reflecting mirror. The CO2 laser cutting machine is used to cut non-metallic materials, and the laser power depends on the carbon dioxide laser tube's power range, which varies from 60 to 260kW.

CO2 Laser Cutting Machines

The B1325M CO2 laser cutting machine is a versatile laser cutter that can not only cut non-metal material with CO2 laser tubes, but it can also process metal materials using O2. It is commonly used in the advertising industry.
Application industry: advertisement and crafts

Equipped with a professional CO2 laser tube, the Z1390 laser cutting machine can process acrylic sheets, plywood, plastic boards, wood boards and other non-metallic materials- all with a quick speed and smooth facets. Because of this, it is often used to manufacture acrylic display shelves and invitations.

The T9060 fabric CO2 laser cutting machine is used cut various non-woven and cotton cloth and leather. We also offer auxiliary equipment with a variety of functions, including panoramic cameras, lift platforms, and more laser heads for customers to choose from to improve working efficiency based on their specific requirements.

The professional CO2 laser cutter is capable of processing a variety of materials, including acrylic sheet, plastic, cloth, leather, PVC, plywood and more. The B1325M CO2 laser cutting machine is also capable of cutting metal materials with a thickness less than 1.5mm.

The professional CO2 laser cutter is usually used to process various complicated and elaborate products, thanks to the outstanding cutting quality at fast speeds and smooth surface with no burrs or burned edge. It is commonly used for cutting in advertisement industries.

For plastic cutting

For wood cutting

For cloth cutting

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