Home Metal Structured Packing

Metal Structured Packing

Sheet Metal Structured Packing

The application of sheet metal structured packing ranges from negative pressure, normal pressure to high pressure absorption and distillation. This type of metal power packing features low resistance, uniform gas and liquid distribution, high efficiency, large flux and small amplification effect.

Metal Structured Packing

Technical Parameters of Sheet Metal Structured Packing
Name Model Peak height, mm Specific surface area, n/m3 Theoretical plates, 1/m Porosity, % Pressure drop, Mpa/m Dry packing factor, m-1
Metal structured tower packing MP-1 24 125 1-1.2 98.5 1.5 × 10-4 3
MP-2 12 250 2-3 97 1.52 × 10-4 2.6
MP-3 8 350 3.5-4 95 1.5 × 10-4 2
MP-4 6.5 450 4-4.5 93 1.8 × 10-4 1.5

Kitted Structured Packing

As the name suggests, kitted structured packing has a rectangular-brick structure and combines advantages of sheet metal structured packing and gauze packing.

Technical Parameters of Kitted Structured Packing
Name Model Peak height, mm Specific surface area, n/m3 Theoretical plates, 1/m Porosity, % Pressure drop, Mpa/m Dry packing factor, m-1
Kitted structured packing CP-1 4.5 651 6-8 7.6 2-3.5 × 10-4 1.4-2.2
CP-2 6.5 454 4.5 8.6 1.6-1.8 × 10-4 2-2.4

Gauze Packing

The gauze packing is intended for the vacuum distillation, atmospheric distillation and adsorption of thermosensitive substances and materials that are hard to separate. Main attractive features include high efficiency, low pressure drop and large flux. Now, two models are available, BX and CY.

Technical Parameters of Gauze Packing
Name Model Peak height, mm Specific surface area, n/m3 Theoretical plates, 1/m Porosity, % Pressure drop, Mpa/m Dry packing factor, m-1
Gauze packing GP-1 12 250 2.5-3.0 97 1.05 × 10-4 2.5-3.5
GP-2 6.3 500 4.5-5.5 95 3 × 10-4 2
GP-3 4.3 700 8-10 87 4.5-6.5 × 10-4 1.3-2.4
GP-4 Insert 1000 15-17 75 5.0-7.1 × 10-4 0.9-1.4

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