Home Medium Crown Staples

Medium Crown Staples

Medium crown staple is normally made from galvanized wire. It comes with a wide range of specifications and packing methods that designed for users' specific applications.

Featuring rigid structure and excellent finish, crown staple has found applications in extensive fields, like in cedarwood working, shingle roofing, subflooring, wall sheathing, roof decking, metal sliding, composite sliding, wood fencing, and furniture construction, just to name a few.

Medium Crown Staples

Incepted in 1995, KY Pneumatic Nail has been an expert in nail processing field. We are specialized in providing all kinds of pneumatic nails, and nail processing machinery.

Come and choose KY as your fastening tool provider

Different Medium Crown Staples Available In KY Pneumatic

4J series crown staples
4J series crown staples
71 series crown staples
71 series crown staples

80 series crown staples
80 series crown staples
84 series crown staples
84 series crown staples

50 series crown staples

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