Home Handwoven Rope Mesh / Zoo Mesh

Handwoven Rope Mesh / Zoo Mesh

Stainless Steel Mesh / Cage Mesh / Aviary Mesh

The handwoven rope mesh is produced from high quality stainless steel wire. The lightweight, high strength and durable design of the rope netting allows for a workable lifetime of more than 30 years. The zoo mesh is designed to give animals a safe and comfortable living environment and won’t damage their skin/feathers if they come into contact with it. The netting allows for excellent visibility without sacrificing its strength.

Handwoven Rope Mesh / Zoo Mesh
Handwoven Stainless Steel Rope Mesh with Ferrule
Item No. Rope Diameter Mesh Opening Size (W×H) Normal Break
inch mm inch mm lbs.
HLM200 1/8 3.2 4.75×8.23 120×207.8 1,600
HLM201 1/8 3.2 4×6.9 102×176.7 1,600
HLM202 1/8 3.2 3.55×6.15 90×156 1,600
HLM203 1/8 3.2 3×5.2 76×131.6 1,600
HLM204 1/8 3.2 2×3.46 51×88.3 1,600
HLM205 3/32 2.4 4×6.9 102×176.7 920
HLM206 3/32 2.4 3.55×6.15 90×156 920
HLM207 3/32 2.4 3×5.2 76×131.6 920
HLM208 3/32 2.4 2.4×4.16 60×104 920
HLM209 3/32 2.4 2×3.46 51×88.3 920
HLM210 5/64 2.0 3×5.2 76×131.6 676
HLM211 5/64 2.0 2.4×4.16 60×104 676
HLM212 5/64 2.0 2×3.46 51×88.3 676
HLM213 5/64 2.0 1-1/2×2.6 38×65.8 676
HLM214 1/16 1.6 1.2×2.08 76×131.6 480
HLM215 1/16 1.6 2×3.46 51×88.3 480
HLM216 1/16 1.6 1-1/2×2.6 38×65.8 480
HLM217 1/16 1.6 1.2×2.08 30×52 480
HLM218 1/16 1.6 1×1.73 25.4×44 480
HLM219 3/64 1.2 1-1/2×2.6 38×65.8 270
HLM220 3/64 1.2 1.2×2.08 30×52 270
HLM221 3/64 1.2 1×1.73 25.4×44 270
HLM222 3/64 1.2 4/5×1.39 20×34.6 270

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