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MG Chemicals Products We Represent

MG Chemicals designated agent

Jufeng and MG Chemicals have maintained a stable strategic partnership for a long time. As the designated agent of MG Chemicals in China and India, we provide global customers with the best technology, products and services.

MG Chemicals Products We Represent
Our Advantages Efficient service: We will respond within 24 hours after receiving customer inquiries. Sufficient inventory: Usually 90% of the goods are in stock, and the lead time is much shorter than other companies. Safe and advanced formula: Most formulas use the least harmful solvents on the market. For example, most coatings now do not contain xylene and toluene. Labels: SDS and TDS are all GHS compliant. You can rest assured that we are in compliance with the local market regulations. Compliance: ISO9001, RoHS, REACH, Conflict Minerals, food safe, GHS, IPC, Proposition 65, UL Cutting-edge and reliable technology: Provide technical guidance and support for clients. Agency License

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