Home 6X19 Classification Bright Wire Rope, IWRC (Steel Core)

6X19 Classification Bright Wire Rope, IWRC (Steel Core)

The bright steel wire rope is a wire rope with oiled or oil-free surface. To prevent rust, the twisted steel wires are treated with oil-impregnated treatment. While entwisting the small steel wires, a pulley enters into the oil pool, and then moves to the wire rope axle. After that, those entwisted steel wires will be made into a wire rope with the same method. Generally, this bright wire rope serves as hoist rope.

Product Specifications
Name: Wire Rope -6X19 Classification
Structure: 6×19+IWRC
Diameter: 6 ~ 46mm
Tensile Strength: 1570N/mm2 ~ 1870 N/mm2
Standard: ASTM, DIN, GB, EN12385-4
Application: It is used to cranes, excavators, winches, wire rope slings, etc. It is also widely used in the oil fields.
Package: Wooden or plastic tray, carton, wooden box
Features: It is most durable in the place where environment conditions are controllable. 6×37 series is more flexible than 6×19 series.

6X19 Classification Bright Wire Rope, IWRC (Steel Core)

Nominal Diameter Approximate Weight Nominal Tensile Strength
1570 1670 1770 1870
mm In Kg/100m Minimum Breaking Strength
6 1/4 12.5 13.7 17.3 18.7 18.4 19.9 19.5 21.1 20.6 22.3
7 9/32 17.0 18.7 23.6 25.5 25.1 27.1 26.6 28.7 28.1 30.4
8 5/16 22.1 24.4 30.8 33.3 32.8 35.4 34.7 37.6 36.7 39.7
9 3/8 28.0 30.9 39.0 42.2 41.5 44.9 44.0 47.5 46.5 50.2
10 13/32 34.6 38.1 48.1 52.1 51.2 55.4 54.3 58.7 57.4 62.0
11 7/16 41.9 46.1 58.3 63.0 62.0 67.0 65.7 71.1 69.4 75.1
12 1/2 49.8 54.9 69.4 75.0 73.8 79.8 78.2 84.6 82.6 89.4
13 1/2 58.5 64.4 81.4 88.0 86.6 93.7 91.8 99.3 97.0 104.0
14 9/16 67.8 74.7 94.4 102.0 100.0 108.0 106.0 115.0 112.0 121.0
16 5/8 88.6 97.5 123.0 133.0 131.0 141.0 139.0 150.0 146.0 158.0
18 11/16 112.0 123.0 156.0 168.0 166.0 179.0 176.0 190.0 186.0 201.0
20 13/16 138.0 152.0 192.0 208.0 205.0 221.0 217.0 235.0 229.0 248.0
22 7/8 167.0 184.0 233.0 252.0 248.0 268.0 263.0 284.0 277.0 300.0
24 15/16 199.0 219.0 277.0 300.0 295.0 319.0 312.0 338.0 330.0 357.0
26 1 234.0 258.0 325.0 352.0 346.0 374.0 367.0 397.0 388.0 419.0
28 1-1/8 271.0 299.0 377.0 408.0 401.0 434.0 426.0 460.0 450.0 486.0
30 1-3/16 311.0 343.0 433.0 469.0 461.0 498.0 489.0 528.0 516.0 558.0
32 1-1/14 354.0 390.0 493.0 533.0 524.0 567.0.0 556.0 601.0 587.0 635.0
34 -- 400.0 440.0 557.0 602.0 592.0 640.0 628.0 679.0 663.0 717.0
36 -- 448.0 494.0 624.0 675.0 664.0 718.0 704.0 761.0 744.0 804.0
38 1-1/2 500.0 550.0 695.0 752.0 740.0 800.0 784.0 848.0 828.0 896.0
40 1-19/32 554.0 610.0 771.0 833.0 820.0 887.0 869.0 840.0 918.0 993.0

6x19 Filler - IWRC Wire Rope Specification
Nominal Diameter Approximate Weight Minimum Breaking Loads - 1770 Mpa
[mm] [kg/m] [kN]
14 0.780 124.00
16 1.050 161.30
18 1.320 204.00
20 1.610 252.00
22 1.940 305.00
24 2.390 363.00
26 2.780 426.00
28 3.210 494.00
30 3.750 567.00
32 4.200 645.00
34 4.780 728.00
36 5.350 817.00
38 5.950 910.00
40 6.550 1008.00
42 7.350 1112.00
44 7.920 1220.00
46 8.750 1333.00
48 9.650 1452.00

Related Names
Load Cable | Wire Rope Sling | Steel Cables

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