Home Kapton Tape/ Polyimide Tape

Kapton Tape/ Polyimide Tape

Model: EP2601
Product: Kapton tape
Kapton tape is a polyimide film with a silicone adhesive tape. The polyimide tape is highly temperature resistant and is ideal for printed circuit boards during wave soldering or solder dip processes.

Size: Width (0.5-1200) mm*33m
Thickness: 0.045mm, 0.065mm
300D Heat Resistant.
Tape EP2601 is a polyimide film-backed silicone adhesive tape with high temperature resistance.
Product Construction: Backing adhesive color standard roll length, polyimide silicone gold 33m.
Temperature Resistance: 300℃/5minutes.
Store under normal conditions of 10° to 30°C and 40 to70% R.H. in their initial packaging. Shelf life is 6 months from the date of manufacture.

Kapton Tape/ Polyimide Tape

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