Home All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC)

All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC)

Aluminum Alloy Cables/ Alloy Wires/ Aluminum Conductors

AAAC conductors are made up of stranded alloy wires in concentric layers. The center wire or wires that form the core are made form an aluminum alloy. The basic composition of this alloy is an aluminum-magnesium-silicon mixture that is known in Europe as Almelec or Aldrey. After drawing they undergo a thermal treatment at 170 degrees Celsius.

All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC)

Thes alloy cables feature high electrical conductivity (min 53% IACS) and they feature excellent corrosion resistance and strength to weight ratio. This is an improvement over ACSR conductors on an equal diameter basis.

In regards to aluminum, the wires of this alloy have double the tensile strength. Its electrical conductivity is 15% lower(53% instead of 61%) and the weight is the same. By making use of these characteristics, in many cases an alloy conductor can replace the ACSR conductors with a similar installation cost.

Main applications
Low, medium, high and very high voltages lines.


Composition Final modulus of elasticity mpa Coefficient of linear expansion/°c
7 19 37 61 91 127 62000 60000 57000 54000 52000 50500 23x10 -6 23x10 -6 23x10 -6 23x10 -6 23x10 -6 23x10 -6

According to IEC1089,also can do by standard of ASTM B399, BS3242, DIN48201 or other standards.

Code word Conductor size Stranding Sectional area Diameter of conductor Linear mass Rated strength D.C resistance at 20 ℃
AYG (MCM ) NO./mm mm2 mm kg/km kgf Ohm/km
4 7/1.96 2.14 5.89 57.89 685 1.3557
Alton 48.69(4) 7/2.12 24.67 6.35 67.56 799 1.5860
2 7/2.47 32.65 7.42 92.14 1091 0.9987
Ames 77.47(2) 7/2.67 39.26 8.02 107.50 1275 0.8547
1/0 7/3.12 52.49 9.35 146.50 1733 0.6259
Azusa 123.3(1/0) 7/3.37 62.46 10.11 171.00 2019 0.5365
2/0 7/3.50 67.45 10.52 184.70 2090 0.4974
Anaheim 155.4(2/0) 7/3.78 78.75 11.35 215.16 2447 0.4264
3/0 7/3.93 85.00 11.79 232.70 2641 0.3945
Amherat 195.7(3/0) 7/4.25 95.20 12.75 271.50 3079 0.3373
4/0 7/4.42 107.20 13.36 293.70 3334 0.3119
Alliance 346.9(4/0) 7/4.77 125.10 14.30 342.60 3885 0.2678
250.0 19/2.91 126.7 14.58 348.90 3977 0.2651
300.0 19/3.19 152.10 15.95 416.60 4772 0.2206
Butte 312.8 19/3.26 158.50 16.31 434.00 4976 0.2112
350.0 19/3.45 177.36 17.25 485.50 5333 0.1886
Canton 394.5 19/3.66 199.00 18.31 547.40 6016 0.1676
19/3.69 202.70 18.44 559.00 6098 0.1649
450.0 19/3.91 228.00 19.56 624.40 6862 0.1468
Cairo 456.4 19/3.98 235.80 19.89 645.70 7097 0.1431
500.0 19/4.12 253.40 20.60 693.60 7617 0.1322
550.0 19/4.12 253.40 20.66 693.60 7617 0.1322
Darien 559.5 19/4.36 283.50 21.79 776.30 8525 0.1181
660.0 37/3.23 304.00 22.63 832.00 9330 0.1105
650.0 37/3.37 329.40 23.57 909.80 9693 0.1015
Elgin 652.4 19/4.71 330.60 23.55 760.60 9942 0.1012
700.0 37/3.49 354.50 24.46 976.60 10401 0.09464
Flint 740.8 37/3.59 371.50 25.13 1032 11013 0.08944
750.0 37/3.62 380.20 25.32 1041 11216 0.08796
800.0 37/3.73 406.40 26.14 1115 11930 0.08285
900.0 37/3.96 456.30 27.74 1249 13460 0.07351
Greeley 927.2 37/4.02 469.80 28.14 1287 13868 0.6597
1000.0 37/4.18 506.70 29.24 1388 14887 0.06597
1077.4 61/3.38 547.30 30.42 1496 15907 0.06120
1165.1 61/3.51 590.20 31.59 1617 17233 0.05675
1250.0 61/3.63 633.30 32.67 1733 18367 0.05306
1259.6 61/3.65 638.30 32.85 1748 18558 0.5248
1348.8 61/3.78 760.00 35.82 2081 22142 0.04414
1750.0 61/4.30 886.70 38.40 2429 25816 0.03781
Conductor size Alloy area Number of wires Diameter of wire Overall diameter of conductor Linear mass Rated tensile strength Maximum resistance D.C. at 20 ℃
mm2 mm2 mm mm Kg/km daN Ω /km
16 15.89 7 1.70 5.1 43 444 2.0910
25 24.25 7 2.10 6.3 66 677 1.3703
35 34.36 7 2.50 7.5 94 960 0.9669
50 49.48 7 3.00 9.0 135 1382 0.6714
50 48.35 19 1.80 9.0 133 1350 0.6905
70 65.81 19 2.10 10.5 181 1838 0.5073
75 73.27 17 2.50 12.5 256 2605 0.3579
120 116.99 19 2.80 14.0 322 3268 0.2854
150 147.11 37 2.25 15.8 406 4109 0.2274
185 181.62 37 2.50 17.5 500 5073 0.1842
240 242.54 61 2.25 20.3 670 6774 0.1383
300 299.43 61 2.50 22.5 827 8363 0.1120
400 400.14 61 2.89 26.0 1104 11176 0.0838
500 499.83 61 3.23 29.1 1379 13960 0.06709
625 626.20 91 2.96 32.6 1732 17490 0.0540
800 802.09 91 3.35 36.9 2218 22402 0.0418
1000 999.71 91 3.74 41.1 2767 27922 0.0335
Code word Conductor size Stranding Sectional area Diameter of conductor Linear mass Rated strength D.C resistance at 20 ℃
mm2 NO./mm mm2 mm kg/km kgf Ω /km
Box 15 7/1.85 18.82 5.55 51 537 1.7495
Acacia 20 7/2.08 23.79 6.24 65 680 1.3840
Almond 25 7/2.34 30.10 7.02 82 861 1.0940
Cedar 30 7/2.54 35.47 7.62 97 1014 0.9281
35 7/2.77 42.18 8.31 115 1205 0.7804
Fir 40 7/2.95 47.84 8.85 131 1367 0.6880
Hazel 50 7/3.30 59.87 9.9 164 1714 0.5498
Pine 60 7/3.61 71.65 10.83 196 2048 0.4594
70 7/3.91 84.05 11.73 230 2402 0.3917
Willow 75 7/4.04 89.73 12.12 245 2565 0.3669
80 7/4.19 96.52 12.57 264 2758 0.3441
90 7/4.44 108.00 13.32 298 3112 0.3023
Oak 100 7/4.65 118.90 13.95 325 3398 0.2769
100 19/2.82 118.70 14.1 326 3397 0.2787
Mulberry 125 19/3.18 150.90 15.9 415 4312 0.2192
Ash 150 19/3.48 180.70 17.4 497 5168 0.1830
Elm 175 19/3.76 211.00 18.8 580 6030 0.1568
Poplar 200 37/2.87 239.40 20.09 659 8841 0.1385
225 37/3.05 270.30 21.35 744 7724 0.1227
Sycamore 250 37/3.22 303.20 22.54 835 8664 0.1093
Upas 300 37/3.53 262.10 34.71 997 10357 0.09155
Walnut 350 37/3.81 421.80 26.67 1162 12053 0.07860
Yew 400 37/4.06 479.00 28.42 1319 13685 0.06921
Totara 425 37/4.14 498.10 28.98 1372 14233 0.06656
Araucaria 700 61/4.14 821.10 37.26 2266 23450 0.04047
Code number Area Number of wires Diameter of wire Diameter of Cond Linear mass Rated strength D.C.resistance
mm2 mm mm kg/km KN ohm/km
16 18.4 7 1.83 5.49 50.4 5.43 1.7896
25 28.8 7 2.29 6.87 78.7 8.49 1.1453
40 46.0 7 2.89 8.67 125.9 13.58 0.7158
63 72.5 7 3.63 10.89 198.3 21.39 0.4545
100 115 19 2.78 13.9 316.3 3395 0.2877
125 144 19 3.10 15.5 395.4 42.44 0.2302
160 184 19 3.51 17.55 506.1 54.32 0.1798
200 230 19 3.93 19.65 632.7 67.91 0.1439
250 288 19 4.39 21.95 790.8 84.88 0.1151
315 363 37 3.53 24.71 998.9 106.95 0.0916
400 460 37 3.98 37.84 1268.4 135.81 0.0721
450 518 37 4.22 29.54 1426.9 152.79 0.0641
500 575 37 4.45 31.15 1585.5 169.76 0.0577
560 645 61 3.67 33.03 1778.4 190.14 0.0516
630 725 61 3.89 35.01 2000.7 213.90 0.0458
710 817 61 4.13 37.17 2254.8 241.07 0.0407
800 921 61 4.38 39.42 2540.6 271.62 0.0361
900 1036 91 3.81 41.91 2861.1 305.58 0.0321
1000 1151 91 4.01 44.11 3179.0 339.53 0.0289
1120 1289 91 4.25 46.75 3560.5 380.27 0.0258
1250 1439 91 4.49 49.39 3973.7 424.41 0.0231
Conductor size Alloy area Number of wires Diameter of wire Diameter of cond Linear mass Rated strength D.C. resistance
mm2 mm2 mm mm kg/km KN Ω /km
16 18.6 7 1.84 5.52 50.8 6.04 1.7896
25 29.0 7 2.30 6.90 79.5 9.44 1.1453
40 46.5 7 2.91 8.73 127.1 15.10 0.7158
63 73.2 7 3.65 10.95 200.2 23.06 0.4545
100 116 19 2.79 13.95 319.3 37.76 0.2877
125 145 19 3.12 15.6 399.2 47.20 0.2302
160 186 19 3.53 17.65 511.0 58.56 0.1798
200 232 19 3.95 19.75 638.7 73.20 0.1439
250 290 19 4.41 22.05 798.4 91.50 0.1151
315 366 37 3.55 24.85 1008.4 115.29 0.0916
400 465 37 4.00 28.0 1280.5 146.40 0.0721
450 523 37 4.24 29.68 1440.5 164.70 0.0641
500 581 37 4.47 31.29 1600.6 183.00 0.0577
560 651 61 3.69 33.21 1795.3 204.96 0.0516
630 732 61 3.91 35.19 2019.8 230.58 0.0458
710 825 61 4.15 37.35 2276.2 259.86 0.0407
800 930 61 4.40 39.6 2564.8 292.80 0.0361
900 1046 91 3.83 42.13 2888.3 329.40 0.0321
1000 1162 91 4.03 44.33 3209.3 366.00 0.0289
1120 1301 91 4.27 46.97 3594.4 409.92 0.0258

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