Home All Aluminum Conductor (AAC)

All Aluminum Conductor (AAC)

Aluminum Cables/ Aluminum Wires/ Power Lines

Product Application
AAC(All Aluminum Conductors) is also known as an aluminum stranded conductor. We manufacture these conductors from electrolytically refined aluminum with a purity of minimum 99% aluminum. The spacing between all aluminum conductors is short and their supports are installed close together. These aluminium conductors are made up of one or more aluminum wire strands depending on their usage and installation.

All Aluminum Conductor (AAC)

We manufacture AAC conductors as per following standards:
· BS 215 Part 1
· IEC 207
· DIN 48201-5
· ASTM B231 : 1981
· IS 398 Part 1

ASTM B-231
Code name AWG Code Name AWG Code Name AWG
Peachbell 6 Zinnia 500 Magnolia 954
Rose 4 Hyacinth 500 Goldenrod 954
Iris 2 Dahlia 556.5 Hawkweed 1000
Pansey 1 Mistletoe 556.5 Camellia 1000
Poppy 1/0 Meadowsweet 600 Bluebell 1033.5
Aster 2/0 Orchid 636 Larkspur 1033.5
Phlox 3/0 Heuchera 650 Iris 2
Oxlip 4/0 Verbena 700 Pansey 1
Sneexewort 250 Flag 700 Poppy 1/0
Valerian 250 Violet 715.5 Aster 2/0
Daisy 266.8 Nasturtium 715.5 Phlox 3/0
Laurel 266.8 Petunia 750 Oxlip 4/0
Peony 300 Arbutus 795 Syringa 477
Tulip 336.4 Lilac 795 Peachbell 6
Daffodil 350 Cockscomb 900 Rose 4
Canna 397.5 Snapdragon 900
Goldentuft 450

AAC Technical Characteristics Based on Standard DIN 48201 / DIN EN50182
Code number Area Number of wires Wire diameter Conductor diameter Linear mass Rated strength D.C. resistance at 20 o C
mm2 No. mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
16 15.9 7 1.7 5.1 43.4 3.02 1.7986
25 24.2 7 2.1 6.3 66.3 4.36 1.1787
35 34.4 7 2.5 7.5 93.9 6.01 0.8317
50 49.5 7 3 9 135.2 8.41 0.5776
50 48.3 19 1.8 9 132.9 8.94 0.5944
70 65.8 19 2.1 10.5 180.9 11.85 0.4367
95 93.3 19 2.5 12.5 256.3 16.32 0.3081
120 19117 37 2.8 14 321.5 19.89 0.2456
150 147.1 37 2.25 15.8 405.7 26.48 0.196
185 181.6 37 2.5 17.5 500.9 31.78 0.1588
240 242.5 61 2.25 20.3 671.1 43.66 0.1193
300 299.4 61 2.5 22.5 828.5 52.4 0.0966

AAC Cable is widely used in the overhead power transmission lines and distribution system, and it is one of the main products to form electrified wire networks. Apart from that, these conductors are also extensively used in coastal areas because of their corrosion resistance properties.

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