Home Four Wheel Aligner

Four Wheel Aligner


FourWheel Aligner

If a wheel isout of balance, it will lead to vibration at high speed that can be felt in thesteering wheel and/or the seat. On the other hand, if thealignment is out, it can cause excessive tire wear,and steering or tracking problems will occur. According to this, four wheel aligner is specially designed to test the wheelalignment parameters of passenger car, van and truck, and then the parametersare compared with the design data. Thus, the parameters can be adjusted tosatisfy the original specification, and excellent driving performance isachieved. This equipment is applied to test and adjust the main wheelparameters including camber, caster, toe-in andsteering axis inclination (SAI). The main functions of this four wheel aligner are as follows. First ofall, it can reduce the wear of tire and suspension component and realize stabledriving and convenient operation, so your safety is guaranteed. Second, thesteering wheel is kept in a straight state when your car is moving straight,and the car won’t swing left or right. Meanwhile, the steering wheel willchanged into straight state automatically after a turn. Last but not the least,the oil consumption is cut down which is essential for drivers, and it can alsoprovide you with a happy drive. Based on these properties, our product issuitable for car repair shop, tire dealer, 4S store and household garage.

Technical Parameters

Four Wheel Aligner


Measuring Accuracy

Measuring Range



± 4°







Font/Rear Setback


± 2°




Thrust Angle


± 4°

Note:Optionalaccessories such as electronic turntables and camber adjusting tools are alsosupplied.

1. 360° closed measuring mode with 8 opticalsensing beams is adopted by this four wheel aligner and the testing accuracy isguaranteed. In addition, eccentric compensating function improves the detectingprecision.
2. RF wireless communication method is applied, and the diameter ofcommunication area is as large as 30m.
3. It contains quick battery charge system, and this equipment is able to workfor 10 consecutive hours after charging.
4. Our product applies geometry center line and thrust line principles,and five wheel alignment function is available.
5. Windows XP English operation system is installedand big display screen with 24 or 26 inch is equipped. Inaddition, one key input mode is used, and you can complete the operations withthe sensor or the mouse.
6. Data for more than 10000 models of cars around the world are stored in thesystem. The database is open type, and the user can input data by himself.
7. Client managing and result printing functions are also available.

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