Home Cylinder Block Grinding Machine

Cylinder Block Grinding Machine

Cylinder Block Grinding Machine

CylinderBlock Grinding Machine

  Grinding Wheel Dresser
  Cutter Disc
/ Grinding Tiles/Milling Cutter
   Cooling System
 Static Balance Table and Supporting Abutment

The model of our cylinder block grinding machine is 3M9735B,and it is updated from previous model of 3M9735A. This product is designed togrind and mill cylinder block and head. The main spindle box is able to riseand fall by the movement of sliding plate and lead screw, and the rapidmovement of spindle saves positioning time.

Technical Parameters



Max. Dimensions of Workpiece

Length (mm)


Width (mm)


Height (mm)


Vertical Distance of Grinding Wheel Plate (mm)


Vertical Distance of Grinding Wheel Head (mm)


Moving Speed of Working Table (mm/min)


Working Table Dimensions (mm)


1. With thehelp of our cylinder block grinding machine, smooth surface can be achieved by700rpm high speed milling and feeding with stepless speedregulation, and this product can be usedfor aluminum cover.
2. The combination of 1400rpm high speed grinding, feedingwith ultra precision, and cutting liquid can lead to a satisfying result foryou, and it is suitable for ductile iron cover. 
3. Bearing with high precision is applied by the spindle,and the machining precision under high rotation speed is ensured.
4. Stepless speed control makes itfit for cylinders with different materials.
5. Convenient speed setting, accurate manual feeding, andcomplete accessories, make this machine stable and adjustable, and it can meetdifferent requirements of our customers.

Cylinder Block Grinding Machine

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