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Solar Power Technology



SolarPower Technology

The solar power technology utilizes the reflectivemirror to reflect and concentrate the solar radiation to the parabolic troughtube and heat the heat transfer fluid (HTF) of the tube. Then, the heatexchange system will produce high-temperature and high-pressure superheatedsteam, which drives a steam turbine to generate power.


Our parabolic trough solar thermal powergeneration system includes the concentrating collector system, heat transfersystem, thermal storage system and steam generation system.



solar collector field hot tank  heat exchanger  cold tank superheater  steam generator  preheater  deaerator   reheater  expansion tank   steam turbine   condensate tank  low pressure preheater


1.Concentrating Collector System
The system is composed of a large number of solar collector array (SCA) inseries and parallel. For the concentrating collector, it includes the collectortube, reflector plate, support frame, drive system and tracker system. Severalcollector arrays in series combine the collector loop, and many collector loopsare then connected in parallel to the high and low temperature main pipe, thusconstituting a large-scale solar concentrating collector field. The lowtemperature working fluid, such as conduction oil and molten salt, is heated toa high temperature one through this system, so as to convert solar radiationinto heat.

2. Heat Exchange System
This systemconsists of the heat exchanger, including the preheater, steam generator and superheater. The high-temperature working medium inconcentrating collector system orderly passes through the preheater, steam generator and superheater, thus becoming into the low-temperatureworking fluid, and generating superheated steam for the generation of the steamgenerating system.

3. Thermal Storage System
The system ismainly made up of the cold tank, hot tank, heat storage working fluid, thermalinsulation material and the heat exchanger. The working fluid in the cold tankflows to the hot tank using a pump. It is heated into the high-temperatureworking fluid through the heat exchanger and then stored in the hot tank. Aspart of the solar power can be stored, the stability of electricity generationis fully ensured. In addition, this also allows the power generation system toachieve 24 hours of continuous operation, so as to greatly improve the workingefficiency.

4. Steam Generation System
This system iscomposed of the steam turbine, generator and other related equipment to achievethe transformation from thermal energy to mechanical energy and electricalenergy.

Engineering Service
Camda has mastered the coretechnology of the parabolic trough solar power system, and has the productioncapacity of its key components, such as the high temperature collector tube, highefficiency mirror and collector, etc. We can offer system design and equipmentmanufacturing services. What’s more, we can also be the contractor for thetotal power generation project.

Trough Thermal Technology Development

Solar Power Technology


solar collector field   thermal storage  steam generator     power generation heat supply refrigeration  others


TroughSolar Concentrating Collector Field

5   6   7   8   9


Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC)

air   natural gas  flue gas  ()steam generator (gas wasteheat)    flue gas  gas turbine steam   540℃   steam turbine  pump   condenser  pump  solar collector field   molten salt thermal storagesystem  550℃  290℃   steam  530℃   steam generator


CombinedSupply of Cold, Heat and Power


solar collector system heating medium  Solar thermal boiler pump   steam  condenser  generator  steam  heat supply  turbine    power supply pump  user  cold supply  cooling tower


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