Home Multidirectional Lifting Work Platform

Multidirectional Lifting Work Platform

Multidirectional Lifting Work Platform

Multidirectional Lifting Work Platform

Multidirectional liftingwork platform features security and reliability, easy operation, low noise andother performance. During coating process, it is free to carry out longitudinaltraverse, horizontal scalability and oscillation. All console switches havebeen set on the mobile platform for convenient operation.

There are three directions of movement in our multidirectional lifting workplatform. One direction is the longitudinal movement along the ground track. Anotheris the oscillation movement along the double columns. The other direction isthe horizontal scalability movement perpendicular to the column. Thus, thismultidirectional lifting work platform achieves the demand for threedimensional movements.

The safety protection device, set by this multidirectional lifting workplatform, includes crash protection device, limit protection device foroscillation, rail protection and electrical interlock protection, etc. It canensure the safety of operators before the accident occurs.

In addition, multidirectional lifting work platform can be extensivelyapplicable to automobile manufacturing, machinery processing, militaryenterprises, railway rolling stock, scientific research institutions, technicalschools, furniture industry, automobile 4s shops and other industries.

Use Method
1. Before delivery, this multidirectional lifting work platform has beentested and debugged. All technical indexes have reached the design requirement.What you should do is only to connect the power supply in use.

2. Before use, you must carefully check the platform’s electrical system toensure no bare phenomenon.

3. After empty running for one to three times, the load operation is allowed.

4. The loading’s center of gravity should try to be placed in the centerposition of the platform.

5. Before the operation, the protective barrier gate should be locked.

6. Our platform is equipped with such operating buttons as up, down, forward,backward, stretching out and turning back. What you should do is only to choosethe corresponding operating buttons in use.

1. The platform must be operated by designated personnel.

2. When using it, you should keep the working table horizontality.

3. Nobody is allowed to be under the platform when it is in the raised state orstill at a high level.

4. When the platform is lifting, all staffs are prohibited to climb.

5. If the platform appears comparatively large breakdown, you should inform themanufacturer to maintain.

6. Overloaded operations are not allowed during use. Furthermore, the personsand articles should be safely placed on the platform and stay still while inmotion.

7. When the platform appears breakdown, you should cut down the power formaintenance in time.

8. After one week in use of our platform, you had better check all transmissionlubrication. Also, butter needs to be added once a week if the use is frequent.

Multidirectional Lifting Work Platform

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