Home Desiccant Air Dryer

Desiccant Air Dryer

Our desiccant air dryer uses the desiccants, such as the activated alumina, silica gel and molecular sieves, to absorb water and reduce the amount of moisture in the compressed air. In general, the dew point temperature of the compressed air can reach -40°C.

Features of Desiccant Air Dryer
1. The less loss of the regenerated air

(1) The loss of the regenerated air of our twin tower desiccant dryer is less than 12%. Having the excellent cylinder design, our desiccant air dryer can save 95% of the heat of adsorption. The stored heat is used to increase the temperature of the regenerated air in the generation stage, which can improve the regenerative desiccant dryer’s desorption capacity to thoroughly complete the regeneration.
(2) The drying and regeneration adopt the way of reverse convection. The best effect of drying and regeneration appears when the wet air flow through the dry adsorbent.
(3) The amount of regenerated air can be adjusted according to the load demand of the desiccant air dryer.

Desiccant Air Dryer

2. The long lifespan
(1) Our adsorption dryer has the cylinder in suitable size, which facilitates the air to maintain the best flow velocity and time while flowing through the desiccant layer. It also enables the desiccant to give full play.
(2) The reasonable system configuration of desiccant dryer can timely and effectively remove the oil and pollutant from the air before the air entering the cylinder, which can prevent the desiccant from contamination.

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