Porcelain Tiles for Hotel
Our porcelain tiles are often utilized to decorate hotel floors due to their high price performance ratio. But, hotel owners should select the best floor tile according to specific condition, and here is some advice.
Factors to Consider
1. To achieve the best decoration result, it is highly suggested to cover the entire room using uncut floor tiles, that is, try to not cut a complete tile into small parts, though this is unavoidable under some conditions. Generally speaking, the larger the tile is, the more the wastage will be.
2. On the other hand, if there are some different-sized tiles that are of the same series and are fabricated by one manufacturer, larger ones usually cost more money.
3. Hotel owners should take room size into consideration as well, and small-sized tiles are recommended for small rooms. More specifically, if the room is less than 30m2, floor tiles with dimensions of 600×600mm are enough. If the room area is within 30-40 square meters, floor tiles of 600×600mm and 800×800mm will both fit well. For rooms larger than 40m2, floor tiles of 800×800mm are preferred.
Considering all of these factors, our are exceptionally suitable for hotels.