Home Granite Grain High Gloss Galvanized PVC Decorative Material

Granite Grain High Gloss Galvanized PVC Decorative Material

Granite Grain High Gloss Galvanized PVC Decorative Material

Our granite grain high gloss galvanized PVC decorative material comes with a good combination of the exquisite pattern and the base color. This product is convenient to be employed and treated, so it requires less process time while remains in good shape. By use of the surface sticking process and vacuum heat process, this granite grain high gloss galvanized PVC decorative material can be applied to the furniture, music box, cabinet and decoration board. It can be firmly adhered to the glass by gluing the front side to present stunning decorative effects. With such product, the surface looks brighter. Therefore, the surface printing is no more needed. 

Granite Grain High Gloss Galvanized PVC Decorative Material



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