Home Tandem Press Brake

Tandem Press Brake

with PCSS-A Embedded Safety Controller

Designed with CE certified Lazersafe tandem adapter, the tandem press brake features reduced working time with high bending quality. Two press brakes are joined together to form a tandem press brake. You can freely switch between single and tandem mode.

Model (EURO PRO) B1240 B25110 B32135 B32175 B40135 B40175 B40220 B40400
Bending length 1250 2500 3200 3200 4000 4000 4000 4000
Pressing force 40 110 135 175 135 175 220 400
Distance between side frames 950 2100 2700 2700 3300 3300 3300 3300
Maximum opening 380 430 430 430 430 430 460 560
Maximum stroke 160 200 200 200 200 200 200 300
Throat depth (only if C-Frame) 320 400 400 400 400 400 400 450
Closing speed 180 200 200 200 180 180 165 150
Return speed 150 160 160 160 160 160 150 120

AMB (HOERBIGER hydraulic system)

ACCURL CNC press brake is designed with an advanced HOERBIGER hydraulic system (AMB). All hydraulic components are grouped together in one hydraulic system including pump, valve, pressure filter and performance module, which is centrally controlled by one control block.

PCSS-A embedded safety controller

The PCSS-A embedded safety controller expands the possibilities for machine control with the next generation solution for tandem press brakes. The latest tandem solution features a tandem adapter that synchronizes safety functions and control across both machines and a dedicated optical system for flexible guarding in both single and tandem configurations.

Tandem Press Brake

Laser guarding system

LazerSafe LZS-LG-HS guarding system offers a highly effective solution for both operator safety and machine productivity. Designed for use with Lazer Safe's PCSS A Series, the Lazersafe is category 4 compliant and meets the world's most demanding international safety standards (with integrated CE Certified Category 4 Safety Controller).

CNC Crowning Table

This CNC crowning system enables the user to offset deformations of the beam while bending. In this way, the angle remains constant throughout the length.

BGA-4 for X and R-Axis CNC

The press brake is equipped with BGA Series CNC backgauge system with durable construction in order to assure maximum repetition accuracy and high precision in axes positioning.

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