Home Unicla


As world advanced compressor, 45/90/120/150/170/200/330/440/550 series Unicla Compressor is specially applied for bus air conditioner, truck air conditioner, car air conditioner, military vehicle air conditioner; its "F" series compressor is specially designed for transport refrigeration units.

Comparing other brand compressors, Unicla's unique "10 cylinders" technology muchly decrease the noise level.

Technical specifications
Model Displacement No of cylinders Initial oil charge Max Momentary speed Lubricant
UP/UX90 92cc/rev 10 150cc 7000rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UP/UX120 119cc/rev 10 160cc 7000rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UP/UX150 145cc/rev 10 150cc 7000rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UP/UX170 172cc/rev 10 150cc 7000rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UP/UX200 200cc/rev 10 180cc 4500rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UP/UX330 330cc/rev 10 150cc 4500rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UWX440 508cc/rev 14 4500rpm Unidap 7(PAG)
UWX550 607cc/rev 14 4500rpm Unidap 7(PAG)

Note: It will be packaged in cartons.

VehiClima Industry is a professional vehicle air conditioning product manufacturer in China. In addition to auto A/C compressor, we also offer van refrigeration unit, container truck refrigeration unit, ambulance car air conditioner, rooftop mount truck air conditioner, air duct mount air conditioner, and more.


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