Home Coated Synthetic Diamond Powder

Coated Synthetic Diamond Powder

Coated synthetic diamond powder is less likely to be oxidized than a non-coated one, and delivers a higher strength and easier bonding with metal or resin.

There are a number of benefits to using diamond abrasives in making tool bits. Diamond particles won't chip off of the tool, making it sharper and more wear resistant. Coated synthetic diamond powder is primarily designed for cutting, grinding, trimming and polishing applications.

Coated Synthetic Diamond Powder

Electroplating and electroless plating are used to add coating to synthetic diamonds. Metals typically used as the coating include nickel, titanium and copper, and generally add 30% or 56% more weight to the diamond powder.

Both titanium and nickel coated diamond are commonly used to produce metal and ceramic bonded diamond tools. The titanium coating also enhances the physical bond of the diamond particles to the bond matrix. The coating also extends the service life of the diamond tool.

Coated Diamond Uses
Resin bond wheels, metal bond wheels

Technical Specifications
Grain Size Chinese Standards FEPA Mesh Size
Grain Code Grain Code
600/425 30/40 D602 40#
425/355 40/45 D426 45#
355/300 45/50 D356 50#
300/250 50/60 D301 60#
250/212 60/70 D251 70#
212/180 70/80 D213 80#
180/150 80/100 D180 100#
150/125 100/120 D151 120#
125/106 120/140 D126 140#
106/90 140/170 D107 170#
90/75 170/200 D91 200#
75/63 200/230 D76 230#
63/53 230/270 D64 270#
53/45 270/325 D54 325#
45/38 325/400 D46 400#

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