Home Automatic Leveling System (for Construction Hoist)

Automatic Leveling System (for Construction Hoist)

Now with Mingwei's automatic leveling system, you have maximum control over automatic construction hoist leveling in construction sites. There's no need to guess as you operate your hoist. This collection of construction hoist parts detects each floor so that the hoist's cage stops precisely where it needs. Program what floors you need to stop at and the leveling device will decelerate and stop at those floors. Work safely, quickly, and efficiently with our safety system for construction hoists.

Automatic Leveling System (for Construction Hoist)

Features of the Automatic Leveling System for Construction Hoist
1) Gear and rack drive and gear counting devices with an error margin of 1.5cm.

2) User manually corresponds display pulses to proportion of building height, the automatic leveling system records and stores data.

3) Once stored, input the number of floor and press start so the computer calculates the number of floors and distance and monitors transportation movement before leveling.

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