Home Anti-Collision System, SYS6000E

Anti-Collision System, SYS6000E

The anti-collision system for tower cranes provides real-time supervision and monitoring for up to 20 tower cranes in one single site, as well as saves records for data tracking. While continuously tracking the position of the jib arms and trolleys of the tower crane, the tower crane safety system will alert users when they might interfere with each other or veer into restricted or protected zones, such as over streets, highways, public areas, power lines, or buildings. This safety monitoring system easily adjusts to the number of tower cranes and guarantees the safe operation of your tower crane.

Anti-Collision System, SYS6000E

Features of the SYS/6000E Anti Collision System
Data for the controlled tower crane and site is entered into the system.
The colorized LCD indicator on each tower crane shows the crane's position and the working status of the jib, trolley, and restricted zones.
If one tower crane is removed from the site, it is easy to adjust the date in the PC.
This computer controlled system is precise, reliable and easy to install.
The anti collision system keeps permanent anti-collision records for data checking.
Change single anti-collision parameters.

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