Home 128x64 Dots COG Graphic LCD Module

128x64 Dots COG Graphic LCD Module

HYG12864A2G-VF HYG1286493G-VA HYG1286494G-VA HYG1286499G-VA

The 128x64 dots graphic LCD module is constructed based on chip on glass technology, offering thin body and enhanced reliability. Products employing STN and FSTN display technologies are both available.

Our 128×64 dots COG graphic LCD module has found applications in a wide range of instruments and meters, electric devices, handheld devices, electromechanical devices, household appliances, medical equipment, as well as vehicle-mounted display and electronic devices.

128x64 Dots COG Graphic LCD Module
Model# HYG12864A2G-VF HYG1286493G-VA HYG1286494G-VA HYG1286499G-VA
Construction COG (Chip-on-glass) COG (Chip-on-glass) COG (Chip-on-glass) COG (Chip-on-glass)
Display Format 128x64 dots 128x64 dots 128x64 dots 128x64 dots
Display Mode STN, Positive Y-G, White LED Backlight FSTN, Positive, White LED Backlight STN, Positive Yellow-green, Green LED Backlight FSTN, Positive B-W, White LED Backlight
PCB Size 82.2x60.4x12mm 50.9x40.9x3.0mm 86x42.75x10.9mm 59.6x50.6x8.5mm
Viewing Area 60.5x33mm 37x28mm 60x29mm 54.3x32mm
Active Area 55x27.4mm 36x23mm 53.74x26.86mm 49.89x27.49mm
Controller ST7565R or equivalent ST7565P or equivalent UC1601S or equivalent ST7565R or equivalent
Backlight White/edge LED, 3.3V White LED, 3.3V Green/edge LED, 3.3V White/edge LED, 3.3V
Viewing Angle 6 O'clock 6 O'clock 6 O'clock 6 O'clock
Driving Method 1/65 Duty, 1/9 Bias 1/65 Duty, 1/9 Bias 1/65 Duty, 1/9 Bias 1/65 Duty, 1/9 Bias
Power Supply Voltage 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.0 V
Operating temperature -20℃ to 70℃ -20℃ to 70℃ -20℃ to 70℃ -20℃ to 70℃
Storage temperature -30℃ to 80℃ -30℃ to 80℃ -30℃ to 80℃ -30℃ to 80℃

Product Dimension
1. HYG12864A2G-VF2. HYG1286493G-VA3. HYG1286494G-VA4. HYG1286499G-VA
HYG12864A2G-VF HYG1286493G-VA HYG1286494G-VA HYG1286499G-VA

Related Names
Mobile LCD Display Module | Mini LCD Module | LCD Bar Graph Module

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