Home Forklift Transmission Hydraulic Control Valve

Forklift Transmission Hydraulic Control Valve

The KEDA hydraulic forklift transmission control valve is designed specifically for the gearbox of a forklift transmission. It is suitable for both internal combustion and electric forklifts. It features a micro-valve, pressure accumulator, and an solenoid directional valve. The micro-valve ensures smooth transmitter control while the accumulator reduces vibration to improve its movement. Lastly, the directional valve allows forward, reverse, and pause movement.

Forklift Transmission Hydraulic Control Valve
Technical Parameters
Type Tonnage Max. flow Max. pressure
91A28 1-2.5 T 30 L/min 1.3 MPa
91K28 3-5 T 60 L/min 1.1 MPa

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