Home Ice Cream Paper Cone Machine DYK6-B

Ice Cream Paper Cone Machine DYK6-B

Ice Cream Paper ConeMachine DYK6-B 

The Dayuan Ice Cream Paper Cone Machine is designed according to the Europeanindustrial standard. Initially developed in China, the product has passed theCE certification and its sales network has spread to over 30 countriesworldwide. With high quality and efficiency, it is an ideal choice to produceice cream paper cone. 

Asucking nozzle transfers the pre-printed and cut paper from the paper shelf tothe feeding chains.  The paper is thencarried to the shaping molds, during which the paper is glued thermo sol. Theposition, length and quantity can be adjusted while in progress withoutstopping production. The shaped paper is discharged to a collector and is piledand counted automatically. The preset piling quantity of paper is carriedforward automatically when it is finished without stopping production. It usesraw materials of common paper, aluminum foil paperor dry waxpaper not exceeding 100g/m2.

Production Speed
The highest production speed can be 220pieces per minute.  The ice cream paper cone machine covers an area of 2.5M x 2.5M and weighsapproximately 1.2 tons.

Points to Consider
1. Use machine of compressed air without drying may reduced the service life ofthe components and destroy the machine.
2. Erroneous selection of materials (including papers and thermo sol) maydebase the efficiency and cause quality problems.
3. The printing of logo and treat with surface of papers is veryimportant.  You must test the papersbefore use. Wrong operation may caused quality problems and reduce efficiency.
* (Please contact us for special requirements)

Weare a China-based ice cream paper cone machine manufacturer and supplier.Through the constant efforts of our dedicated staff, we can offer customers agreat variety of paper processing machines, like paper cone cup machine,automatic paper punching machine, carton erecting machine, and others. Ourlocation in Zhongshan City gives us easy access to convenient air, land and seatransportation. This keeps our costs down and reduces transportation costs forour customers. Whenever you have a need for any of our products, please feelfree to contact us at Dayuan.

Ice Cream Paper Cone Machine DYK6-B

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