Other TinCan and Tin Box
Tin can and tin box as well asother tin containers have characteristics and advantagessuch as opacity, and good sealingperformance, and are recyclable, and re-usable. They are in compliance with international environmental requirements andfuture product trends. They are rugged,good protective performance, no deformation, seismic, fire resistance, hightemperature and high pressure resistance.
Because of these attributes, the tin box and tin can, etc. provides aclosed system completely isolated from environmental factors, heat excluded. This can avoid the food deterioration becauseof light, oxygen, and moisture. Thesmell won’t fade when it is through fragrance and it won’t cause pollution whenthrough the environment. The foodstorage stability of tin can and tin box is better than other packagingmaterials. They have a higherpreservation rate of vitamin C and are the best preservation of nutrients. Since the international ISO-14000environmental management standard will be implemented soon, tin cans and tinboxes with low pollution, recyclable, resource saving features, will have abroader space for development.
T-Star is a China-based tin can, tin boxmanufacturer and supplier. We offer tinbox, gift, gift tin box, cigarette tin box, etc. Our high quality products are offered atcompetitive prices. The full chain ofmanufacturing coffee tin can and tin game box can be completed in China, evenin one city. Our lower manufacturingcost saves your purchasing cost. Moredetails of each product are shown on the page with description.