Honestly speaking, we all know the fact that the heart of a paper machine is the headbox. Because excellent headbox performance ensures superior sheet formation and great fiber orientation. At Huatao, we supply headboxes with high precision, applying state-of-the-art technologies. That is why we achieve premium, uniform paper qualities on paper machines throughout the country. And there are four kinds of headboxes including air cushion headbox, open headbox, hydraulic headbox and crescent paper machine headbox. Furthermore, the paper mill headbox is specially designed to provide uniform and stable pulp to the forming section. And then, with the help of this paper machine headbox, the pulp is evenly transferred to help forming the final product.
Features Improvement on basis weight profile, formation and fiber orientation, thus ensuring optimal paper quality; The paper machine headbox is capable of providing high internal- surface quality, less cleaning operation and better runnability, thus improving paper machine uptime; Flexibility of production (a wide range of adjustment); Proven & operator friendly design; Consistency cross direction profiling; Superior manufacturing standards (low roughness); Tags paper mill headbox