Home Heat Recovery Chiller

Heat Recovery Chiller

This heat recovery chiller is a must-have for a wide variety of uses. By collecting the heat produced during the refrigeration process, it produces cold water while simultaneously delivering an abundant supply of hot water. It can offer a range of heat recovery from 25% to 100% of the cooling capacity, with outlet water temperatures reaching up to 70°C, and cooling efficiency increase by around 5%.
Compared to other methods of hygienic hot water, this heat recovery chiller has some major benefits for both energy savings as well as for the environment - from its streamlined equipment structure to zero energy consumption during operation.
This self-developed and manufactured two-stage centrifugal compressor water-cooled chiller provides an effective solution in the areas of cooling and heating needs for hotels, shopping malls, and beyond. It utilizes a high-efficiency spray evaporator for efficiency and a series of heat recovery devices for maximum efficiency that can be used to create a plentiful amount of free hot water to use across the properties.

Heat Recovery Chiller
Request a Quote Specifications Centrifugal Heat Recovery Chiller

Refrigerant: R134a
Power supply: 380V-3N-50Hz

Model Nominal cooling capacity Power input 30% heat recovery capacity kW 100%heat recovery capacity kW Capacity control % Refrigerant charge kg Condenser Evaporator 30% heat recovery 100% heat recovery Noise level dB(A) Shipping weight kg Operating weight kg
kW USRT kW Pipe diameter (inlet/outlet) in Water flow m3/h Design water pressure MPa Water pressure drop kPa Pipe diameter (inlet/outlet) in Water flow m3/h Design water pressure MPa Water pressure drop kPa Pipe diameter (inlet/outlet) in Water flow m3/h Design water pressure MPa Water pressure drop kPa Pipe diameter (inlet/outlet) in Water flow m3/h Design water pressure MPa Water pressure drop kPa
50STD-PM600B4 2088 594 340 626 2428 25%~ 100% 700 8″ 418 1 74 8″ 359 1 74 4″ 108 1 45 8″ 418 1 74 82 12000 12500
50STD-PM700B4 2320 660 385 696 2705 800 10″ 465 1 74 10″ 399 1 74 5″ 120 1 46 10″ 465 1 74 84 13000 13500
50STD-PM800B4 2785 792 448 836 3233 950 10″ 556 1 76 10″ 479 1 76 5″ 144 1 47 10″ 556 1 76 85 14000 14500
50STD-PM900B4 3200 910 525 960 3725 1100 12″ 641 1 78 12″ 550 1 78 6″ 165 1 48 12″ 641 1 78 86 15000 15500
50STD-PM1000B4 3550 1009 582 1065 4132 1200 12″ 711 1 80 12″ 610 1 80 6″ 183 1 49 12″ 711 1 80 87 16000 16500
50STD-PM1200B4 4175 1187 672 1253 4847 1400 12″ 834 1 82 12″ 718 1 82 6″ 215 1 50 12″ 834 1 82 88 18000 18500
50STD-PM1300B4 4570 1299 732 1371 5302 1500 14″ 912 1 82 14″ 786 1 82 7″ 236 1 51 14″ 912 1 82 89 19000 19500
50STD-PM1400B4 4777 1358 769 1433 5546 1600 14″ 954 1 84 14″ 821 1 84 7″ 246 1 52 14″ 954 1 84 90 20000 20500
50STD-PM2000B4 7100 2019 1164 2130 8264 2400 16″ 1421 1 84 16″ 1221 1 84 8″ 366 1 53 16″ 1421 1 84 92 30000 30500
50STD-PM2800B4 9554 2717 1538 2866 11092 3200 18″ 1907 1 84 18″ 1643 1 84 9″ 493 1 54 18″ 1907 1 84 94 38000 38500


1. Rated cooling capacity standard: evaporator water inlet/outlet temperature 12℃ /7℃, condenser water inlet/outlet temperature 30℃ /35℃, fouling factor 0.088 ㎡•℃ /kW; 2. Chiller water temperature range: 5~20℃; 3. Cooling water temperature range: 15~40℃; 4. Specifications and dimensions are subject to improvement without notice.

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