Home Air Source Screw Heat Pump / Hot Water Unit

Air Source Screw Heat Pump / Hot Water Unit

This high-tech air source screw heat pump unit is a multi-functional device, able to provide cooling for warmer seasons and heating for colder seasons. Ideal for use in indoor swimming pools, hotels, villas, baths, spas, factories and farms that require hot water, the heat pump unit provides effective, energy-saving and eco-friendly hot water supply. Drawing from natural air or ground-source hot water, it uses low-temperature energy and guides it through electricity to provide high-temperature heat, with maximum temperatures over 50 ℃. What's more, patented cold recovery technology is provided so that a portion of the cold capacity can be recovered, ideal for places with both heating and chilling requirements.

Air Source Screw Heat Pump / Hot Water Unit
Request a Quote Features Water temperature range

Temperature range of pure hot water: 45 ~ 55 ℃
Temperature range of chilled water for air conditioner: 5 ~ 20 ℃
Temperature range of hot water for air conditioners: 45 ~ 50 ℃

Chilling/heating capacity range

120kW ~ 1000kW, various ranges and loads available.

Intelligent control

The latest microcomputer-controlled touch interface makes monitoring operating data effortless and quick, eliminating the need for constant oversight. Constant feedback on maintenance can be obtained in real-time, which helps ensure the smooth operation of the unit. Additionally, it can be linked to the user's centralized control system, giving the user a comprehensive understanding of the machine's conditions at any time.

Reliable operation

This heat pump unit has been thoroughly tested, making it suitable for use in warm and sultry climates. It boasts a range of high and low voltage safeguards, and overload protection - all designed to maximize its safe operation. Even in the unlikely event of failure, the fault of one unit will not prevent the usage of the remaining ones.

Low noise design for special occasions

The compressor features a special protective casing, as well as a low-noise fan, making it the ideal choice for environments with strict noise regulations. The unit's box design helps to further reduce the noise output, ensuring compliance with local environmental standards


Screw Type Air Source Heat Pump

Refrigerant: R134a
Power supply: 380V-3N-50Hz

Model Nominal cooling Nominal heating Capacity control % Refrigerant charge kg Condenser / Fan Evaporator Noise level dB(A) Shipping weight kg Operating weight kg
Structure Air flow ×1000 m3/h Power kW× unit Pipe diameter (inlet/outlet) in Water flow m3/h Design water pressure MPa Water pressure drop kPa
Cooling capacity kW Compressor power input kW Heating capacity kW Compressor power input kW
40STE-M110AHS4 75 23 78 22 0 66100 33 Copper tube with corrugated aluminum fins 28 2.0×2 2-1/2″ 13 1 28 68 1550 1660
40STE-M160AHS4 107 32 111 31 05075100 45 40 2.0×2 3″ 19 1 33 68 1960 2140
40STE-M210AHS4 143 43 147 41 51 80 2.0×4 3″ 25 1 48 68 2940 3160
40STE-M240AHS4 169 49 173 47 73 80 2.0×4 3″ 30 1 55 68 3120 3340
40STE-M280AHS4 195 56 199 54 82 80 2.0×4 4″ 34 1 61 72 3300 3550
40STE-M310AHS4 217 60 220 59 89 85 1.2×6 4″ 38 1 64 72 3480 3730
40STE-M340AHS4 236 68 241 66 98 121 2.0×6 4″ 41 1 66 72 3660 3980
40STE-M380AHD4 277 83 286 80 02537.55062.57587.5100 114 121 2.0×6 5″ 49 1 68 73 5620 6040
40STE-M420AHD4 286 86 294 82 122 114 1.2×8 5″ 51 1 68 73 5800 6280
40STE-M480AHD4 338 98 346 94 146 161 2.0×8 5″ 60 1 70 73 6240 6680
40STE-M560AHD4 390 112 398 108 164 161 2.0×8 4″ *2 68 1 70 75 6600 7100
40STE-M620AHD4 434 120 440 118 178 170 1.2×12 4″ *2 76 1 72 75 6960 7540
40STE-M1000AHS4 718 194 722 188 206 241 2.0×12 8″ 124 1 75 78 7950 8840


1. Rated cooling capacity standard: air dry / wet bulb temperature 35℃ /24℃, chilled water inlet/outlet temperature 12℃ /7℃, fouling factor 0.088 ㎡•℃ /kW; 2. Chiller water temperature range: 5℃ ~20℃; 3. Rated heating capacity standard: air dry / wet bulb temperature 7℃ /6℃, hot water inlet/outlet temperature 40℃ /45℃; 4. Hot water temperature range: 35-50°C; 5. Cooling ambient temperature range: 15℃ ~43℃, heating ambient temperature range: -10℃ ~43℃; Specifications

Screw Type Air Source Hot Water Unit

Refrigerant: R134a
Power supply: 380V-3N-50Hz

Model Nominal heating capacity Power input kW Capacity control % Refrigerant charge kg Condenser Evaporator / Fan Noise level dB(A) Shipping weight kg Operating weight kg
kW USRT Pipe diameter (inlet/outlet) in Water flow m3/h Design water pressure MPa Water pressure drop kPa Quantity Air flow m3/h Power kW
80HW-M330S4 202 58 53 10, 50, 100 57 3″ 35 1 53 4 80400 8 75 1500 1750
80HW-M420S4 244 69 62 62 3″ 42 1 52 4 80400 8 75 1850 2050
80HW-M480S4 282 80 71 0, 50, 75, 100 68 4″ 49 1 50 6 86400 7.2 75 2010 2180
80HW-M580S4 341 97 86 85 4″ 59 1 50 6 120600 12 75 2440 2780
80HW-M720D4 416 118 108 120 5″ 72 1 52 8 160800 16 75 3410 3700
80HW-M840D4 488 139 123 124 3″ *2 84 1 52 8 160800 16 75 3840 4160
80HW-M960D4 564 160 142 136 4″ *2 97 1 50 12 172800 14.4 75 4010 4330
80HW-M1050D4 621 177 153 153 4″ *2 107 1 50 12 172800 14.4 75 4460 4920
80HW-M1160D4 681 194 171 170 4″ *2 143 1 51 12 241200 24 75 4860 5510
Optional Variable frequency heat pump unit

The variable frequency heat pump unit is a modern unit which incorporates both a frequency converter and existing unit operations in order to achieve frequency conversion compressor. With this upgrade, its energy efficiency is drastically improved at partial loads, making it a truly transformative double efficient unit capable of reaching full load efficiency (COP) as well as a intergrated part-load value (IPLV).

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