Home 3G-10G 1100nm-1650nm InGaAs Coaxial Pigtail Pin Photo Diode

3G-10G 1100nm-1650nm InGaAs Coaxial Pigtail Pin Photo Diode

The 3-10g 1100nm-1650nm INGaAS coaxial pigtail pin photo diode employs a small, coaxial package and InGaAs detector chip. It features a very low power consumption, a small dark current, low return loss, good flexibility, great linearity, compact design, small volume, high reliability, and long service life. This product series is most often used in CATV receivers, in optical signal receivers in analog systems, and power detectors.

3G-10G 1100nm-1650nm InGaAs Coaxial Pigtail Pin Photo Diode
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit
Storage Temperature Tstg -40〜 100 °C
Operating Temperature Top -40 〜 85 °C
Max Input Power Pmax 6 dBm
Operating Voltage Vop 5 V
PD Reverse Voltage VR(PD) 15 V
Soldering Temp - 260 °c
Soldering Time - 10 s
Optical & Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition
Wavelength Range λ 1100 - 1650 nm -
Power Range P -70 - 6 dBm 5V
Active Diameter Ad 25 80 um -
Dark Current Id - 0.2 0.5 nA 5V
Responsivity R - 0.85 0.90 A/W λ=1310 nm
0.90 0.95 λ=1550 nm
Frequency Bandwidth Bw 1 10000 MHz
Frequency Response Fr - ±0.5 - dB
Capacitance Ct - 0.5 0.65 Pf -
Response Time Tr 0.1 - ns -
CSO - - -70 - dBc
CTB - - -80 - dBc

As an experienced InGaAs coaxial pigtail laser detector diode (analog optical active component ROSA) manufacturer in China, our company also offers InGaAs Coaxial Plug in laser diodes, plug in InGaAs coaxial photodetector diode modules, butterfly laser diodes, etc.

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